Eye to eye with killer whales "This is one that rams boats"

Fabienne Kipfer


blue News investigates the mysterious orca interactions in the Strait of Gibraltar: During their research, the reporters come very close to a group of the animals - even scientists were amazed.

No time? blue News summarizes for you

  • Exclusive video footage shows a group of orcas curiously inspecting a boat.
  • In the video, a marine biologist explains why he suspects it is the animal that rams and sinks boats in the Strait of Gibraltar.
  • In May 2020, orcas were reported interacting with boats for the first time. According to scientists, more than 673 interactions are currently documented.

Orcas, also known as killer whales, repeatedly make headlines in the Strait of Gibraltar because they ram boats. Sometimes the ships are so badly damaged that water enters and the ships sink.

This strange behavior puzzles marine biologists and researchers alike. Before the coronavirus pandemic, there were no such incidents, but since May 2020 there has been a massive increase in cases. Scientists have documented over 670 interactions between marine mammals and boats since the first report.

One group of orcas is apparently primarily responsible for the incidents - referred to as interactions by orca researchers. blue News experienced first-hand how close the animals get to the ships.

Orcas inspect the boat

On a tour with the firmm foundation, a group of orcas suddenly appeared. The intelligent marine mammals approached the boat.

Underwater footage that we took during our research shows the mammals inspecting the hull of the ship on which blue News was traveling.

It quickly became clear to the experts that these animals were members of the group that regularly wreck sailing ships and make headlines. Watch the video to find out why.

Find out what's going on with the orcas and what the mood is like among the fishermen and experts on site in our exclusive report.

Report from Tarifa: blue News explains what could be behind the behavior