Tesla's Cybertruck This car rusts at the first drizzle

Stéphanie Süess


The electric Tesla Cybertruck makes a big splash wherever it appears. Since the end of 2023, the car has been both a cult and a nuisance. Is Elon Musk's tank really just a rust bucket?

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  • Tesla's Cybertruck is astonishing in its dimensions and is initially only approved for American roads.
  • Cybertruck owners report rust after just a few weeks.
  • The stainless steel body comes without protective paint as standard.

Large pick-up trucks are one of the most popular vehicle categories in the USA. The Cybertruck from Tesla is astonishing in its dimensions. The futuristic flatbed truck is almost 5.70 meters long and 2.41 meters wide.

For the time being, the vehicle will have no chance of being registered in Europe and Switzerland. According to various reports, the Cybertruck has already failed off-road and on snow despite its four-wheel drive.

Now the tank is also said to be rusting, as videos on social media show. The stainless steel body comes without a protective coating as standard. In addition to rain, dirt or chemicals can also quickly attack the bodywork.

The body of the Cybertruck is made of stainless steel. However, this does not always live up to its name. For example, one Cybertruck showed the first rust-colored spots after just two days of driving in the rain.

The Cybertruck instructions also state that owners should remove dirt from their vehicles immediately to prevent corrosion.

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