Highest chance of survival in the event of a crash These are the safest seats on an airplane

Vanessa Büchel


Are there any seats on an airplane that are safer than others in the event of an emergency?
Are there any seats on an airplane that are safer than others in the event of an emergency?
Picture: PantherMedia/Péter Gudella

Anyone who fears boarding an airplane should read carefully now and take this into account when making their next booking: A study shows which seat gives you the best chance of survival.

No time? blue News summarizes for you

  • Most passengers prefer to sit at the front of the plane. Because that's the quickest way to get off the plane. Window and aisle seats are also in demand.
  • But these seats are not the safest, as an analysis by "Time" shows.
  • In the event of a crash, you have the best chance of survival in the middle seats in the back row.
  • The aisle in the middle third, on the other hand, has the least safe seats.

Not everyone feels comfortable above the clouds. According to "Miles & More", around 15 percent of passengers suffer from fear of flying. Around a third of air travelers feel uneasy on board.

This is despite the fact that airplanes are still the safest means of transportation. Looking at Switzerland alone, four people lost their lives in civil aviation accidents in 2022. In comparison, 241 people lost their lives in road traffic accidents. This is according to a survey by the Federal Statistical Office.

Anyone who gets the jitters when boarding an airplane or even just thinking about it, who is worried about a possible horror scenario, should make sure they choose the right seat the next time they book. According to an analysis carried out by Time a few years ago, there are places on an airplane that are safer than others.

These are the seats with the highest chances of survival

The rear middle seats have the highest chances of survival: according to the analysis, the mortality rate there is 28 percent.

Why are the chances of survival highest there? Because the presence of people on both sides creates a kind of buffer.

The most popular seats, on the other hand, are usually the front seats, as you can get out of the plane quickly after landing. Windows to lean against or aisles for more legroom are also popular choices. Middle seats are at the bottom of the popularity scale.

The most unsafe seats are those in the aisle in the middle third of the plane - the mortality rate there is 44 percent.

Near the emergency exit is a good choice

According to a study published by the University of Greenwich in 2008, survivors of an accident also have the best chance of dying if they are seated near an emergency exit. Of course, this is the quickest way to leave the plane.

But ultimately, the biggest factor that plays a role in the chances of survival in a plane crash is the circumstances of the accident.

For the results, "Time" examined the CSRTG Aircraft Accident Database of the US Federal Aviation Administration for accidents with fatalities and survivors. Data from 35 years was consulted.