blue News reader trapped in Cabbiolo GR "The pressure waves of the water made the whole house tremble"

Stefan Ryser


"This waterfall can swell many times over when it rains, but on Friday around 8 pm we noticed that this time everything was even more violent": the Cascate del Groven in Cabbiolo GR on Friday evening.
"This waterfall can swell many times over when it rains, but on Friday around 8 pm we noticed that this time everything was even more violent": the Cascate del Groven in Cabbiolo GR on Friday evening.
Bild: blue News Leserin M.R.*

State of emergency in Misox: Cabbiolo GR is cut off from the environment after several mudslides. The masses of water also raged in the village itself: A trapped blue News reader reports.

No time? blue News summarizes for you

  • Severe storms hit the Misox valley in southern Graubünden.
  • In addition to the destroyed hamlet of Sorte, the village of Cabbiolo is also affected.
  • blue News reader M.R.* and her friends are staying in a house near a waterfall, where an even greater catastrophe was prevented thanks to the efforts of the security forces.
  • Nevertheless, parts of Cabbiolo have also been devastated: The water came in places on the mountainside where it had never come before.
  • The solidarity among the residents is huge.

"We - several friends - are in a rustico pretty much directly below the Cascate del Groven. This waterfall can swell many times over when it rains, but on Friday around 8 p.m. we noticed that this time everything was even more violent: the pressure waves of the water made the whole house tremble, I've never experienced anything like it.

And then the water came down the whole width of the slope in places where, according to the Cabbiolesi, it had never come before: Basements flooded in parts of the village. Many years ago, there was a huge debris flow over the waterfall that reached as far as our house. After that, dams were built near the stream, which fortunately held.

"The security forces risked their lives"

The solidarity of the residents is endless, everyone helps each other and the security forces risked their own lives: Within a short time, two men with excavators were at a small bridge by the stream bed to remove debris and alluvial wood.

The firefighters were also quick to arrive and informed us: "We had to spend the night on the upper floor and learned that Cabbiolo was completely cut off from the environment. We have had electricity and water again since Saturday morning - but the latter is contaminated and will be turned off during the night.

It is still unclear today, Sunday morning, when we will be allowed to leave the village. But all that matters at the moment is that we are all safe and sound and hopefully no one else will be hurt. We are very concerned that three people are missing in Sorte."

* Name known to the editors.