Summer wave on the vacation island The coronavirus is currently having an easy time on Mallorca

Andreas Fischer


Vacations with a cough and cold: coronavirus infections are currently on the rise in Mallorca.
Vacations with a cough and cold: coronavirus infections are currently on the rise in Mallorca.

The beaches are full and people are partying: Corona incidence is rising significantly on Mallorca. The vacation island is once again being hit by a summer wave. Health centers are working at full capacity.

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  • A particularly contagious corona variant is currently circulating on Mallorca.
  • The number of infections has recently risen significantly.
  • Even if the cases are mild, doctors' surgeries and health centers have their hands full.

Summer, sun, beach - and quite a few infections: Corona cases are currently on the rise on the vacation island of Mallorca. "The disease is currently widespread on the islands", a spokeswoman for the Mallorcan Ministry of Health confirmed to the "Mallorca-Zeitung". The peak has not yet been reached.

There are several reasons why the virus is spreading rapidly on Mallorca: Firstly, a new variant is circulating. KP.2, also known as the "FLiRT" variant, is currently keeping scientists busy. Although the variant does not lead to serious cases, it can evade immunity more easily.

Doctors' surgeries are very busy

Because "FLiRT" is particularly contagious, the virus has an easy time of it on Mallorca. Numerous major events are and were held there in the summer. The "Mallorca Live" festival alone attracted more than 65,000 visitors.

Last year, the authorities had already recorded a clear increase in coronavirus infections on Mallorca at the beginning of the summer. However, there is no cause for concern, according to the Ministry of Health. Even if many doctors' surgeries and health centers are currently working at full capacity to treat patients with milder cases of coronavirus.