Now in the stream Why Efas opponents fear even higher premiums

Dominik Müller


In just under two months, the Swiss electorate will decide on the amendment to the Health Insurance Act. The No committee launches its campaign on Tuesday. Stream the media conference.

No time? blue News summarizes for you

  • On November 24, the Swiss people will vote on the amendment to the Health Insurance Act.
  • Opponents of the bill are launching their campaign on Tuesday.
  • You can follow the media conference live in the stream from 10.45 am.

Opponents of the proposal for the uniform financing of outpatient and inpatient healthcare services (Efas) have launched their campaign for the vote on November 24. The planned amendment to the Health Insurance Act threatens a new surge in premiums.

The inclusion of long-term care, where expenditure is rising sharply due to the ageing of society, would lead to a further increase in premiums. This was the argument put forward on Tuesday by the Swiss Federation of Trade Unions (SGB), the Swiss Association of Public Service Employees (VPOD), the Unia trade union and representatives of the Greens and SP.

Opponents also fear that the cantons would relinquish responsibility for care in nursing homes or through Spitex as a result of the reform. They would now transfer 13 billion tax francs directly to the health insurance companies.

For patients without expensive supplementary insurance, there is a threat of a deterioration in the quality of care, the report continued. The reform would also increase the pressure on nursing staff.