Now in the stream What opponents say about the expansion of freeways

Dominik Müller


On November 24, the Swiss electorate will decide on the expansion of several freeways. Opponents launch their campaign on Wednesday. Stream the media conference.

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  • In just under two months, on November 24, the planned expansion of several national roads will be put to the vote.
  • Opponents of the proposal fear more cars and more asphalt.
  • They will explain their arguments on Wednesday. You can follow the media conference in the stream from 10.15 am.

The planned highway expansion in Switzerland is oversized and based on an outdated transport policy. Quality of life and nature would fall by the wayside, the referendum committee announced on Wednesday in Bern at the launch of the referendum campaign.

The aim of the expansion is to reduce bottlenecks and traffic jams on Swiss motorways. However, this would not be achieved by widening the highway to six to eight lanes. The result would be more cars and more asphalt, the committee stated at the media conference.

In addition, large areas would be lost to nature and agriculture. The road expansion would also undermine the goals of the Climate Protection Act and thus exacerbate the "climate crisis".

The referendum against the federal government's plan was submitted by the Swiss Transport Club (VCS) and the Umverkehr organization. It is supported by the GLP, the Greens, the SP and other associations that have joined forces to form the "No to excessive freeway expansion" alliance.