Jucker Farm now charges admission "There is always criticism when you introduce something new"

Samuel Walder


The exhibition at Jucker Farm opens tomorrow.
The exhibition at Jucker Farm opens tomorrow.
Jucker Farm

The Jucker Farm pumpkin farm opens its doors on Saturday. The organizers are full of anticipation, but have also received criticism - because the farm is introducing a ticket system.

No time? blue News summarizes for you

  • The Jucker Farm in Seegräben ZH is launching its pumpkin exhibition tomorrow, charging admission fees for the first time
  • The farm was recently criticized for selling tickets.
  • Nevertheless, the organizers are hoping for many visitors and good weather.

Sculptures, airplanes, animals - and all made of pumpkin. The exhibition at Jucker Farm in Seegräben ZH starts tomorrow and opens its doors to numerous visitors. The farm was recently criticized by the municipality of Seegräben ZH.

The population is annoyed. In September, the municipality is full of cars and visitors to Jucker Farm. In the past, this has led to traffic jams and litter in the village.

The farm has to take action and has responded to calls from the public by introducing a ticket system and removing some parking spaces. That was in April. An entrance fee of up to 20 francs is to be charged. The farm has been criticized for the price increase: the exhibition was previously free of charge.

Admission is to cover higher costs

A few weeks ago, the farm adjusted the prices downwards again: If you buy a ticket before the start of the exhibition on September 21, it will cost you 10 francs. After that, you will have to pay 12 francs online for admission at the weekend and 15 francs at the box office on site. During the week, admission costs 10 francs online and 12 francs on site.

"The reason why the tickets cost something is simply so that we can cover our higher costs and reduce the loss of sales caused by the time limit," writes Jucker Farm in a press release on Monday. This is because the exhibition will no longer last eight weeks, but only four. This measure is also intended to regulate the crowds in the village.

Not only positive voices for the Jucker Farm

The exhibition at the farm starts tomorrow. Co-owner Martin Jucker is looking forward to welcoming visitors to the farm. "We've been preparing for this day for months now and are looking forward to it finally starting," he tells blue News. It is difficult to estimate how many guests will actually come.

"We can roughly guess how many people might come based on the number of tickets sold," says Jucker. The farm has not only had a positive response. "Of course there were some people who were negative about the ticket system." But that's normal when you change something that was previously free for years.

Jucker hopes for good weather

However, Jucker believes that the CHF 10 entrance fee is definitely worth it: "We have a lot more pumpkins than before and an exhibition that will touch people. The topic is more topical than ever." But Jucker doesn't want to reveal what it's all about.

The pressure is high, says Jucker. "We no longer have eight weeks available, but only four. That's why we're hoping for good weather." If it were to rain for a week, a quarter of the time would be lost. On Saturday, however, the weather forecast reports sunshine and high temperatures. The farm is therefore optimistic and looking forward to opening its doors tomorrow.