Environment Parliament restricts associations' right of appeal for residential construction projects


9.9.2024 - 17:38

Parliament wants to restrict the right of associations to lodge complaints about residential construction projects within building areas. (theme picture)
Parliament wants to restrict the right of associations to lodge complaints about residential construction projects within building areas. (theme picture)
Image: Keystone

In future, associations will no longer be allowed to lodge complaints against smaller residential construction projects in development areas. This has been decided by Parliament. The Council of States said yes by a clear majority to a controversial curtailment of the right of appeal for associations.


On Monday, the Council of States approved the bill from the National Council by 30 votes to 14. In the eyes of the majority of the Environment and Spatial Planning Committee, this is a moderate restriction of the right of appeal.

It has already been decided that complaints by associations in accordance with the Nature and Cultural Heritage Protection Act are no longer possible for residential construction projects if the floor area is less than 400 square meters and the project is located in a building zone. The Council of States has defined the exceptional provisions for continuing to allow complaints by associations more narrowly than the National Council. The ball is now back in the Council's court.