SBB companion blew his cover Officer rides train for free with fake marching orders

Sven Ziegler


The military cadre was convicted for his behavior. (symbolic image)
The military cadre was convicted for his behavior. (symbolic image)

A military officer falsified his marching orders in order to travel by train for free. It almost became a major state affair.

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  • A military cadre falsified his marching orders in order to be able to travel by train for free.
  • During the inspection, the train attendant discovered that the validity date on the marching orders did not match the QR code.
  • The captain had manipulated the date in order to be able to travel by train free of charge even when off duty.

A few years ago, a cadre from the military was promoted to captain. However, behind the scenes, he displayed questionable off-duty behavior.

An SBB train attendant discovered irregularities on his marching orders in September last year, as the "Beobachter" writes. The man used this to travel free of charge on the S-Bahn in the Zurich Unterland on Thursday evening in plain clothes.

During the check, the train attendant discovered that the validity date on the marching orders did not match the QR code. This was dated the previous year. The captain had manipulated the date in order to be able to travel by train free of charge while off duty, according to the Office of the Attorney General.

Almost a state affair

The consequences for the man are considerable. He was sentenced to a fine of 900 francs, consisting of 30 daily rates of 30 francs each, for "falsifying orders and instructions". In addition, he had to pay the procedural costs of 500 francs.

It could have been even worse. The Office of the Attorney General initially considered whether this could be a political state offense. Such offences would have required authorization from the Federal Council.

However, the Secretary General of the Department of Justice and Police decided that the Federal Council should devote itself to more important tasks and let mercy go before justice. The captain thus escaped a more severe punishment and a possible state affair.

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