Live ticker for voting Sunday No trend on highway expansion and personal use +++ Yes trend on EFAS and subletting

Lea Oetiker


Among other things, Switzerland is voting today on the expansion of the highway. It is one of four federal proposals that will be decided on today.
Among other things, Switzerland is voting today on the expansion of the highway. It is one of four federal proposals that will be decided on today.

Switzerland is voting on four federal proposals today. Votes and elections are also being held in the cantons and communes today. You can find all the information and results on blue News in the live ticker.

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  • Swiss voters are voting on four federal proposals today: Highway expansion, uniform financing of the healthcare system and two tenancy law proposals.
  • Votes and elections are also taking place today in many cantons and municipalities. For example in the city of Zurich, where a decision will be made on the "Bye bye gender star!" initiative.
  • You can find all the information on blue News in the live ticker.
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  • 12.34 pm

    New projection no to highway expansion

    The latest SRG projection predicts the rejection of the highway expansion. The No vote is at 52 percent.

  • 12.32 p.m.

    Geneva says no to all four proposals

    In the canton of Geneva, a "No" to all four federal referendums is on the cards. According to the early results, which are based on almost 95 percent of voters, the electorate rejected the expansion of the highways with 56.40 percent of the vote.

    The two tenancy law proposals were also rejected, with 67.44% voting against the termination of tenancies for personal use and 64.44% against subletting. The proportion of "no" votes was 65.05% for the uniform financing of the healthcare system.

  • 12.28 p.m.

    Aargau clearly rejects voting age 16

    In the canton of Aargau, Swiss citizens can still only vote from the age of 18. Voters have clearly rejected a popular initiative for a voting age of 16 according to the interim result.

    According to the interim result, the people of Aargau rejected the initiative with 81% of votes against. The results in 180 out of 197 municipalities had been counted by early Sunday afternoon. The voter turnout was just under 40 percent.

    The initiative sought to amend the cantonal constitution. Swiss citizens over the age of 16 should be able to vote and be elected at cantonal and communal level. Several young parties launched the initiative.

    The government, parliament and the conservative parties rejected the initiative. The SP, Greens, GLP and EVP were in favor of lowering the age limit. Only the canton of Glarus has a voting age of 16.

  • 12.20 p.m.

    Interim results for national proposals

    National interim results according to Voteinfo from the federal government:

    Highway expansion: 50.03% yes

    Federal financing of healthcare services: 55.3 % yes

    Tightening of the rules on subletting: 51.94 %

    Simplified termination for personal use: 50.19 %

  • 12.14 p.m.

    Yes trend for subletting proposal

    The regulations for subletting apartments are becoming stricter. According to a trend calculation by the research institute gfs.bern on behalf of SRG, the electorate approved a corresponding amendment to tenancy law.

    The yes vote comes as a bit of a surprise. The bill was on the brink in the last referendum polls. The "no" percentage increased continuously during the referendum campaign, which is an exceptional case in the formation of opinion for government proposals.

  • 12.09 p.m.

    Close result in vote on own rental requirements

    It is still unclear whether the electorate has accepted or rejected the planned new regulations in tenancy law for the registration of personal use. The research institute gfs.bern, commissioned by SRG, was unable to provide a trend statement at midday.

  • 12.08 p.m.

    In Basel-Stadt, a Yes to the cantonal ESC contribution is on the horizon

    In Basel-Stadt, a clear majority in favor of the cantonal contribution to the Eurovision Song Contest (ESC) emerged on Sunday. The count of postal votes showed a 66.4 percent 'yes' vote for the 37.5 million loan, according to the State Chancellery.

    A signpost to the polling station at Basel City Hall on Sunday, November 24, 2024 (KEYSTONE/Georgios Kefalas)
    A signpost to the polling station at Basel City Hall on Sunday, November 24, 2024 (KEYSTONE/Georgios Kefalas)
  • 12.03 pm

    Yes trend at EFAS

    In future, all healthcare services will be financed equally, regardless of who provides them and where: according to the trend calculation by the research institute gfs.bern for the SRG, voters have approved this fundamental system change.

    The approval is likely to have been quite clear, said political scientist Lukas Golder from gfs.bern on Swiss television SRF. The relatively high number of yes votes was surprising. In the last polls before the referendum, an unusually large number of respondents had not announced their position on the complex bill.

  • 12 noon

    The first projections: No trend for highway expansion

    The interim results on the highway expansion are too close to determine a trend.

  • 11.59 a.m.

    Glarus municipalities and canton also affected by hacker attack

    The hacker attack has also paralyzed the websites of the canton of Glarus and the three municipalities of Glarus North, Glarus South and Glarus. None of the three platforms are accessible.

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  • 11.46 a.m.

    Bergdietikon also votes in favor of all national proposals

    Bergdietikon AG has also voted in favor of all national proposals. According to the Tages-Anzeiger newspaper, the highway expansion and the rental bills were approved by Bergdietikon residents by an overwhelming two-thirds majority.

  • 11.27 a.m.

    Staffelbach AG says yes four times

    As with almost every vote, certain Aargau municipalities rush ahead and publish their results before 12 noon - the actual cut-off time.

    Staffelbach AG says yes four times: to the highway expansion, to uniform health financing and to the two rental law proposals.

    The Staffelbach residents vote relatively clearly in favor of the freeway expansion, but rather narrowly in favor of the other three proposals.

  • 10.37 a.m.

    Websites of various Aargau municipalities unavailable

    On voting Sunday, the websites of many municipalities in the canton of Aargau are unavailable, as the "Aargauer Zeitung" writes. The reason: a DDOS attack on the eastern Swiss company "Backlash", which creates web designs for eGovernment, SMEs and associations.

    In a DDOS attack, a data center is deliberately overloaded with countless requests. In the canton of Aargau, this has now led to various municipal websites being unavailable.

  • November 24, 2024, 08.58 a.m.

    Twelve cantons vote on 19 proposals

    Votes and elections will be held in many municipalities and cantons on November 24.

    For example, the city of Zurich. There, a decision will be made on the "Bye bye Genderstern" initiative, in Basel on the ESC loan, in Schaffhausen on the disclosure of party donations and Bern will elect a new city cleaning service.

    In the canton of St. Gallen, a vote will be held on the commuter deduction for travel expenses. The deduction is to be increased to CHF 8,000.

    The people of Uri vote on the Green Party's "Isleten für alle" initiative. The initiative wants a ban on new hotels and vacation apartments on a site in Isleten UR on Lake Uri.