After Sanija Ameti's shooting operation No damage to the listed cellar

Lea Oetiker


Sanija Ameti is facing charges and criticism after the Operation Libero co-president published pictures of herself aiming a sport pistol at a picture of Jesus and Mary. (archive picture)
Sanija Ameti is facing charges and criticism after the Operation Libero co-president published pictures of herself aiming a sport pistol at a picture of Jesus and Mary. (archive picture)

Sanija Ameti carried out the controversial shooting in a historic cellar. The walls are a listed building. The city of Zurich is now investigating whether there was any damage.

No time? blue News summarizes for you

  • Two weeks ago, GLP politician Sanija Ameti sparked a debate: She shot at a picture of the Virgin Mary with a pistol.
  • The shooting is said to have been carried out in an underground portico. The walls are a listed building.
  • The city of Zurich is now checking whether there was any damage.

Following the controversial shooting by GLP politician Sanija Ameti (32), the portal "Inside Paradeplatz" reported that Ameti carried out the shooting in an underground portico. The historic building dates back to 1719 and belongs to the city of Zurich. The ancient columns were only renovated a few years ago.

It was suspected that the shots had damaged the listed walls. The city then announced inspections.

The Zurich authorities have now given the all-clear: "We have contacted the tenants to ensure that the cellar is being used as contractually agreed," Claudia Naegeli, spokesperson for the city's Department of Finance, told the Tages-Anzeiger newspaper. The inspection also revealed that the shots had caused "serious damage".

The use of the historic hall as a shooting range was clearly illegal. However, it is unclear whether Ameti herself was the tenant. Her partner, the lawyer Florian Schmidt-Gabain, who specializes in art law, ran unsuccessfully for the presidency of Kunsthaus Zürich in 2021. Who exactly rented the cellar - Ameti, Schmidt-Gabain, both together or a third party - remains unclear.

The city authorities are not providing any information. According to "Inside Paradeplatz", Schmidt-Gabain's "camp" emphasizes that all residents had access to the cellar. The city of Zurich disagrees: the cellar is part of a commercial use and not accessible to other tenants, according to spokeswoman Naegeli.