Cantonal parliament Lucerne parliament rejects state initiative for parental leave


9.9.2024 - 17:16

A father goes for a walk with a baby. (symbolic image)
A father goes for a walk with a baby. (symbolic image)

The canton of Lucerne is not submitting a state initiative to the federal government for the introduction of national parental leave. The cantonal council rejected a motion by Karin Stadelmann (center) by 71 votes to 29.


In her motion, Stadelmann advocated parental leave of 20 weeks, which parents should divide up according to their needs. However, parents should have respected the statutory maternity leave.

"We must finally take this issue one step further," said Stadelmann in parliament. A national solution is needed instead of a patchwork quilt. Stadelmann also wanted to put a stop to further-reaching demands.

However, Urban Sager (SP) argued for more generous solutions. 38 weeks would be appropriate, he said, and pleaded for the motion to be rejected.

Barbara Irniger (Greens) also referred to the more generous solutions of EU countries. However, she supported the motion in order to put pressure on federal policy.

Ronny Beck (FDP) campaigned for a No. Stadelmann's demand would place a particular burden on smaller businesses, he said. Franziska Rölli (GLP), on the other hand, saw Stadelmann's proposal as a good compromise, although she would prefer both parents to take the same amount of parental leave.

Government Councillor Michaela Tschuor (center) also spoke against the motion. The state initiative was the wrong way to go, she said. There is already a broad discussion on the topic.

Switzerland currently has a fourteen-week maternity leave and a two-week paternity leave.