Dust cloud can be seen for miles around Large rockfall on the north face of the Eiger

Sven Ziegler


The rockfall on the north face of the Eiger kicked up a lot of dust.
The rockfall on the north face of the Eiger kicked up a lot of dust.
X / Meteoschweiz

A large piece of rock broke off the north face of the Eiger on Saturday. The dust can be seen for miles around.

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  • A large piece of rock broke off on the north face of the Eiger on Saturday.
  • The dust can be seen for miles around.

A large piece of rock broke off on the north face of the Eiger on Saturday morning, causing a massive cloud of dust, as reported by the Tagesanzeiger. Such rockfalls are not uncommon, explains Kathrin Naegeli, media spokeswoman for Jungfrau Railways. "The last time this happened was at the beginning of August," says Naegeli.

The cause of the rockfalls is the melting permafrost. Jungfrau Railways is now investigating whether hiking trails need to be closed. However, Naegeli emphasizes that the Eiger Trail is currently not at risk and can still be used.

A picture shared on social media shows the extent of the natural disaster. The huge cloud of dust caused by the rockfall illustrates the force of the collapse.

As reported by Meteo Switzerland on Platform X, the dust spread in the surrounding area due to a temperature inversion. The dust was registered by a measuring device at Kleine Scheidegg.