Large price differences How much you save when you choose the cheapest pharmacy


15.3.2025 - 00:00

An over-the-counter medicine can be twice as expensive in one pharmacy as in another. Perskindol is one of the more harmless examples.
An over-the-counter medicine can be twice as expensive in one pharmacy as in another. Perskindol is one of the more harmless examples.

A study shows considerable price differences for over-the-counter products in Swiss pharmacies. The conclusion: customers can make considerable savings by making targeted price comparisons.

No time? blue News summarizes for you

  • An analysis by the Consumer Forum shows large price differences for over-the-counter products in Swiss pharmacies.
  • Depending on the pharmacy, the same product can be up to 100 percent more expensive.
  • In Switzerland, there are only upper price limits for prescription medicines that are covered by health insurance.

In Swiss pharmacies, there are considerable price differences for over-the-counter products, which customers can use to save money by making targeted comparisons. A recent analysis by Konsumentenforum has shown that prices for the same products can vary greatly in different pharmacies.

37.70 instead of 55.95 francs for the same dietary supplement: according to "Blick", the first price comes from Apotheke zur Rose, the second from Amavita. The prices of over-the-counter medicines differ significantly from pharmacy to pharmacy, the study shows.

Unlike prescription medicines, which are therefore paid for by health insurance companies, there is no fixed price for over-the-counter medicines. Pharmacies seem to make maximum use of their leeway here.

Homeopathic remedy twice as expensive

One consumer reported to the Consumer Forum that she had to pay 38.25 francs for the homeopathic product Thymuline Glob from Boiron in a Zurich pharmacy, which was twice as much as in her home pharmacy.

There are also differences for cold remedies such as Neocitran. A pack of 12 film-coated tablets costs 13.50 francs at Benu, while it costs 19.30 francs at Toppharm - 5.80 francs or 43 percent more.

Another example is the vitamin preparation Supradyn pro energy-complex, which costs 68.95 francs at Amavita, while it is 15 francs cheaper at Zur Rose. Zur Rose sells Perskindol Thermo Hot, which is popular with athletes, for 27.85 francs a tube, while Benu sells it for 37.95 francs, a difference of 36 percent.

Causes of the price differences

The Federal Office of Public Health's list of specialties sets maximum prices for medicines that are covered by health insurance. For all other medicines, the free market determines the prices, the pharmacists' association Pharmasuisse explains to the Consumer Forum.

However, according to the law of supply and demand, prices should be equalized. It is therefore much more the pharmacies that are responsible for the large differences. Those who inform themselves can save money, and the more they buy from the cheapest provider, the lower the prices will be from the others. The online stores of the various pharmacies offer a first impression.

The editor wrote this article with the help of AI.