A special kind of martial arts eventHells Angels plan "fight night" in Lucerne
Sven Ziegler
The event will take place at the St. Michael Center in Littau.
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On January 25, the Hells Angels are inviting people to the "Beating Night Lucerne". But the connection to the rocker group and the church venue leave many questions unanswered.
05.01.2025, 10:36
Sven Ziegler
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On January 25, the "Prügelnacht Luzern" will take place at the St. Michael Catholic Center in Littau.
Organizers and supporters distance themselves from right-wing extremist scenes, but the connection to the Hells Angels remains controversial.
Tickets cost up to 1,200 francs and around 600 spectators are expected.
A special kind of martial arts event is currently causing a stir in Lucerne. A spectacle with tough fights has been announced for January 25 under the title "Prügelnacht Luzern" (Lucerne Fighting Night).
Instead, the focus will be on knockouts, such as in the "Last Man Standing" mode. The event is being organized by the Hells Angels, according to research bySonntagsblick.
Admission prices up to 1200 francs
The venue for the event is the St. Michael Center in Littau, which belongs to the Catholic parish. Around 600 spectators are expected to attend, with tickets ranging from 65 francs for standing room to 1200 francs for VIP seats.
However, the event is not without controversy: critics raise the question of whether it could be a meeting of the extreme right-wing scene. The organizers firmly reject such accusations.
"This is a purely sporting event with a professional structure. There is no room for political or religious views here," Pepe, a member of the Lucerne Hells Angels and co-organizer of the fight night, told Sonntagsblick.
The event is supported by the martial arts studio Prügelhaus in Lucerne, which has no direct organizational responsibility. Pepe, who runs the studio, emphasized: "We have many years of experience in organizing such events and expressly distance ourselves from right-wing extremist views."