Shots fired at picture of Jesus GLP calls for Sanija Ameti to be expelled from the party

Samuel Walder


Operation Libero boss Sanija Ameti has sparked outrage with a post on Instagram. She shot a picture of Mary and Jesus. She has since deleted the post.
Operation Libero boss Sanija Ameti has sparked outrage with a post on Instagram. She shot a picture of Mary and Jesus. She has since deleted the post.

Operation Libero boss Sanija Ameti sparked outrage with a post on Instagram. She has since deleted the post and apologized. Now the GLP is responding to the action.

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  • Sanija Ameti, Co-President of Operation Libero, caused outrage and a shitstorm with an Instagram post.
  • Ameti apologized publicly twice and emphasized that she did not mean to hurt religious feelings.
  • The Green Liberal Party clearly distanced itself from Ameti's action, condemned the post and has not ruled out possible consequences.

Zurich lawyer and co-president of Operation Libero, Sanija Ameti (32), has sparked outrage on social media. She posted a picture on Instagram in which she was shooting at a depiction of the baby Jesus and Mary with a sports pistol. The comment: "switch off".

This triggered a shitstorm. According to the Tagesanzeiger, Ameti is said to have deleted the post after a Blick reporter asked her whether she was hurting the religious feelings of Christians or Muslims by shooting at the picture.

Ameti has now drawn the consequences of the incident: she is resigning from the GLP party leadership. Zurich GLP Co-Party President Nora Ernst told TeleZüri: "It was her personal decision. However, we were in contact with Ms. Ameti and advised her to step down. We welcome her decision."

On Monday afternoon, the GLP announced in a press release that they would like to expel Ameti from the party. The GLP Switzerland is applying for party expulsion proceedings. In doing so, they want to "avert further damage", it continues.

Ameti apologizes twice

As an explanation for the Instagram post, Ameti previously wrote: "Hello, I deleted Story because people might feel hurt in their religious feelings. I needed motifs that were visible enough as a template for the 10-meter shooting. I only had the Koller catalog at hand, which was big enough. I didn't pay any attention to the content of the pictures. That wasn't right. I'm sorry from the bottom of my heart if I offended anyone!"

Apparently, the 32-year-old used a page from the Koller auction house catalog as a target. Koller has a painting listed for an auction on September 20 that corresponds to Ameti's Insta post: "Madonna with Child and the Archangel Michael", dated 1375.

Immediately afterwards, Ameti posts another apology on X:

There are now over 2000 comments under the young politician's apology. Including some from other politicians. For example, Therese Schläpfer, a former member of the SVP National Council in Zurich, called for Ameti to resign and be expelled from the GLP party. SVP National Councillor Andreas Glarner writes: "If the good lady is still in office tomorrow, Operation Libero can resign!"

The GLP distances itself from the politician's post

The GLP clearly distances itself from Ameti's action. The party writes on X: "Sanija Ameti's Instagram post contradicts the values of the GLP. Our party condemns all forms of violence and disrespect towards religious symbols and religions themselves. We are committed to tolerance, respect and peaceful interaction with one another."

GLP President Jürg Grossen also commented on the Ameti debacle. "That was a hugely stupid act that is inexcusable," he says. He has not yet spoken to her, "but we will certainly seek a discussion". He does not want to rule out consequences.

The canton condemns Ameti's post

The canton also commented on the post and condemned the young politician's actions. "Sanija Ameti's Instagram post in no way reflects the values of the Green Liberals", Zurich section on X. "Our party condemns all forms of violence and disrespect towards religious symbols; we are committed to tolerance, respect and peaceful interaction with one another."