Domestic violence Glarus government wants to strengthen protection in cases of domestic violence


13.9.2024 - 16:18

Victims of domestic violence in the canton of Glarus should be better able to protect themselves from the perpetrator. (symbolic image)
Victims of domestic violence in the canton of Glarus should be better able to protect themselves from the perpetrator. (symbolic image)

Victims of domestic violence are to receive more protection in the canton of Glarus. For example, they should not have to share their home with a violent person. The Glarus government wants to amend the police law to achieve this, as it announced on Friday.


The impetus for the desired changes came from a motion passed by the cantonal parliament in December. The planned expansion of the powers of the cantonal police provides for various measures. These allow victims of domestic violence, for example, to use their own home without having to share it with the violent person.

Accordingly, perpetrators of violence can be expelled from the apartment, the house and also from the victim's surroundings, and they can be banned from returning. In addition, various bans such as bans on approaching, contact and area bans can be issued to prevent stalking - both physically and via electronic means of communication. The area ban restricts the perpetrators of violence to certain geographical areas such as streets, squares or neighborhoods.

Passing on information regulated

The amendment to the law also regulates the passing on of information by the cantonal police to advice centers such as victim and violence counseling centers and psychosocial contact points for children and young people. This information includes the measures ordered and the full facts of the incident. Information can be passed on even if no measures have yet been ordered.

The Government Council requests that the Landrat submit the proposed amendment to the Landsgemeinde for approval. Entry into force is planned for October 1, 2025.