After first suicide in Sarco death capsule Former Director of Justice calls for nationwide rules on euthanasia

Helene Laube


After the first suicide in the Sarco euthanasia capsule, the former Director of Justice of the Canton of Zurich is calling for nationwide rules. And Markus Notter criticizes Federal Councillor Elisabeth Baume-Schneider for the way she handled the death capsule.

No time? blue News summarizes for you

  • After the first suicide in the Sarco death capsule, the former Director of Justice of the Canton of Zurich calls for nationwide rules.
  • Markus Notter shows understanding for the desire for self-determined dying, but emphasizes the need for clear legal regulations.
  • He criticized Federal Councillor Elisabeth Baume-Schneider for the way she is proceeding against the death capsule.
  • The Minister of Health wants to combat the capsule with the Chemicals Act.

In an interview with the "Tages-Anzeiger" newspaper, Markus Notter, former Director of Justice in Zurich, comments on the controversial Sarco suicide capsule, which was first used in Schaffhausen. He shows understanding for the desire for self-determined dying, but emphasizes the need for clear legal regulations. The capsule is part of a recurring attempt to push the boundaries of what is legally permissible.

Notter criticizes the approach of Federal Councillor Elisabeth Baume-Schneider (SP), who wanted to combat the capsule with the Chemicals Act, and calls on the federal government to introduce a national assisted suicide law.

In his opinion, the fact that the Minister of Health used the Chemicals Act and the Product Safety Act to argue against Sarco was "not expedient and a strange approach", said Notter, adding: "With the Chemicals Act, for example, nobody thought of using it to regulate assisted suicide. If the Federal Councillor is now interpreting it in this way, it seems to me to be a deliberate move." A "special regulation that does justice to this difficult topic" is needed, said Notter, who dealt intensively with assisted suicide during his 15-year term as Director of Justice of the Canton of Zurich.

The officially sealed forest hut in Merishausen SH after the suicide in the Sarco death capsule. (September 25, 2024)
The officially sealed forest hut in Merishausen SH after the suicide in the Sarco death capsule. (September 25, 2024)
Picture: Keystone/Ennio Leanza

Several people arrested

The suicide capsule was used for the first time on Monday in a forest hut in the canton of Schaffhausen. One person took their own life with the help of the capsule.

The Schaffhausen police subsequently arrested several people, as they announced on Tuesday. Among those currently behind bars are the co-president of the euthanasia organization "The Last Resort", Florian Willet, two lawyers and a Dutch journalist who accompanied the first use of the Sarco suicide capsule.

The public prosecutor's office is initiating criminal proceedings against those arrested for incitement and aiding and abetting suicide.

Baume-Schneider: Sarco is not legally compliant

At exactly the same time as Sarco was first used in the Merishausen forest, Health Minister Baume-Schneider (SP) said during question time in parliament that the suicide capsule was not legally compliant.

On the one hand, Sarco did not meet the requirements of product safety legislation. And secondly, the use of nitrogen is not compatible with the purpose article of the Chemicals Act.