Uproar over shed Former Arbon town councillor builds garden shed without a permit

Dominik Müller


The unauthorized construction of a garden shed like this one is currently a hot topic in Arbon politics.
The unauthorized construction of a garden shed like this one is currently a hot topic in Arbon politics.
Symbolbild: Imago

In Arbon TG, the garden shed of an SVP member of the town parliament and former town councillor is causing a stir. He built it without a permit. A colleague from the SP is now calling for consequences.

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  • Lukas Auer (SP) and Konrad Brühwiler (SVP) are both members of the Arbon city parliament.
  • Brühwiler built his garden house without a permit.
  • Auer is therefore calling on the city council to consider a possible fine.

"I find it highly reprehensible when not even we ourselves adhere to our regulations," says Lukas Auer, SP member of the Arbon TG city parliament, to the CH-Media newspapers about his fellow councillor Konrad Brühwiler (SVP). Background: Brühwiler is said to have built a garden shed in the garden next to his home without a permit.

The municipal parliament is the body in the Thurgau municipality that issues laws and ordinances. "We should set a good example," Lukas Auer is quoted as saying.

Konrad Brühwiler is a well-known figure in Arbon's local politics: he is not only part of the town parliament, but also president of the local SVP party, sits on the Grand Council of the Canton of Thurgau and was once a member of Arbon's town council for eight years. He had his garden house built in December 2023. He has since submitted a subsequent planning application.

Brühwiler does not expect a fine

When asked by Lukas Auer at a parliamentary meeting, the responsible city councillor Didi Feuerle did not want to comment on the specific case, referring to the ongoing proceedings. In general, he said: anyone who builds without a building permit or not according to the plans risks a fine or even demolition.

The city council can file criminal charges with the police or the public prosecutor's office, but cannot issue fines itself.

Lukas Auer is now calling for the executive to take a closer look at the garden house too. The building law applies to everyone, especially as the SVP is otherwise very concerned about compliance with law and order. "It wasn't a foreigner who made this mess here," he tells CH Media.

Konrad Brühwiler is not expecting a fine, but would pay it without hesitation. "We'll have to live with it," says Konrad Brühwiler when asked by CH Media. He approached the matter "too shirt-sleeved".

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