Does the army have a problem? Accidents involving firearms are on the increase

Samuel Walder


Despite training and monitoring, accidents involving firearms in the Swiss Armed Forces are becoming more frequent. (archive picture)
Despite training and monitoring, accidents involving firearms in the Swiss Armed Forces are becoming more frequent. (archive picture)

Despite intensive training and strict regulations, dangerous firearms accidents occur time and again in the Swiss Armed Forces. A look at the cases shows just how dangerous carelessness and breaches of the rules can be.

No time? blue News summarizes for you

  • Weapons accidents in the Swiss Armed Forces, including accidental discharges and carelessness, are on the rise.
  • Specifically, there were six more reported gunshot injuries in 2023 than in the previous year.
  • Cases range from negligent actions under the influence of drugs to improper storage of weapons.

From reckless actions to fatal mishaps - weapons accidents in the Swiss Armed Forces are not uncommon. Time and again, unintentional firing occurs despite clear regulations and intensive training. An insight into the cases shows how dangerous carelessness in handling assault rifles and pistols can be, as the Blick writes.

In the Frauenfeld city barracks, a 20-year-old recruit caused a dangerous incident. After cocking the bolt of his assault rifle, he tried to solve the problem by aiming at a wall and pulling the trigger. The shot was fired at 5.45 a.m. - after the recruit had consumed cannabis and cocaine the day before.

Another case occurred in the "Chüechlibunker" troop accommodation in Schwyz. A 24-year-old private pulled the trigger as a joke while aiming at a door. Two soldiers suffered mild tinnitus.

Lenient penalties for illegal weapons handling

In a third case, a 23-year-old soldier was startled when a shot went off while he was trying to transfer his rifle from his stomach to his back. The shot was fired because the weapon was accidentally loaded and the safety lever was not engaged. "It was only by chance that no people were injured," reads the verdict.

The penalties for the incidents remained relatively mild: those involved received a fine of between 10 and 26 daily rates, mostly conditional, and in some cases a detention order or fines of 400 francs. A look at the sentencing orders issued by the Swiss military justice system shows that such incidents are no exception: in the month under review, three out of 23 cases resulted in convictions for unintentional firing.

Weapon accidents on the rise

According to accident insurer Suva, there were two gunshot injuries while on duty in 2022, rising to six in 2023, as reported by Blick. Overall, however, the most common weapons accidents are less dramatic:

80 cases of dental damage - for example, when guns hit teeth when entering or exiting vehicles. 41 cases of hearing damage caused by shots fired without hearing protection.

The Swiss Armed Forces emphasize that the safe handling of weapons is a top priority. "Basic training includes weekly training sessions," says army spokesman Mathias Volken. Regulations such as the principle of always considering a weapon to be loaded are intended to prevent accidents. A poster campaign is also intended to raise awareness.

Forgotten and incorrectly stored weapons

In addition to shooting accidents, incorrectly stored or forgotten weapons also regularly cause trouble. In one case, an assault rifle was discovered on a train platform, which earned the soldier responsible a fine.

Particularly curious: a Geneva doctor hid his weapon in an advertising kit for expectant mothers in his surgery. When an employee accidentally disposed of the kit, the weapon disappeared - and the doctor had to answer to the military justice system.