Herisau AR Alcoholized e-bike rider crashes over crash barrier onto track

Dominik Müller


An e-bike rider has injured himself in an accident in Herisau AR.
An e-bike rider has injured himself in an accident in Herisau AR.
Kantonspolizei AR

An accident involving an e-bike occurred in Herisau AR on Friday. A 38-year-old man was injured.

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  • An e-bike rider had an accident in Herisau AR on Friday.
  • The 38-year-old suffered moderate injuries.

Shortly after 6 p.m., a 38-year-old man was riding his e-bike in Herisau AR from Schmiedgasse downhill towards Schwänlikreisel. In the area of Neue Steig, he veered to the right onto the side of the road in a left-hand bend and hit the crash barrier. This was reported by the Appenzell Ausserrhoden cantonal police in a statement on Saturday.

The man fell over the crash barrier and came to rest on the railroad track. He sustained moderate injuries in the fall and was taken to hospital by ambulance.

During the accident investigation, the police patrol that was deployed detected symptoms of alcohol in the man involved in the accident, which is why a blood and urine test was ordered.