Politics Aargau parties condemn letter from SVP President Glarner


22.10.2024 - 11:29

In the Aargau Grand Council, the Center, SP, FDP, Green, GLP and EVP parliamentary groups have demanded a public apology from SVP Cantonal President Andreas Glarner for his attack on a centrist member of the Grand Council. (archive picture)
In the Aargau Grand Council, the Center, SP, FDP, Green, GLP and EVP parliamentary groups have demanded a public apology from SVP Cantonal President Andreas Glarner for his attack on a centrist member of the Grand Council. (archive picture)

An Aargau member of parliament from the Center Party has received a death threat following a post by SVP National Councillor Andreas Glarner on Platform X. In the Grand Council, the Centre Party, SP, FDP, GLP, Greens and EPP criticized Glarner. They demanded an apology.

What Glarner had deliberately unleashed against the Grand Councillor was "irresponsible and bordered on incitement", said Center Councillor Alfons Paul Kaufmann on Tuesday in a parliamentary group statement on behalf of the Center, SP, FDP, GLP, Greens and EPP.

The councillor had been threatened with hate mail and letters. This went so far that she had to be placed under police personal protection in the meantime.

This shocked the parliamentary groups. They are distancing themselves from "misleading, disrespectful, unobjective and personal attacks", he said.

Glarner had written on Platform X that the centrist councillor had voted in parliament for the naturalization of a foreigner with a criminal record. However, the administrative court ultimately naturalized the young foreigner.