Dermatologist clarifies "Sunburns are particularly dangerous for children"

Stéphanie Süess


It's finally warm again and the sun is shining. But how harmful is the sun for our bodies? Dermatologist Christoph Schänzle explains in an interview.

No time? blue News summarizes for you

  • Sunbathing is not only bad, it also has a positive effect on our bodies.
  • Sun oil is particularly popular with younger people - as long as it contains a high sun protection factor, it does not provide less protection.
  • People who spend a lot of time in the sun tend to age faster on the outside - their skin develops wrinkles.
  • In order to achieve the sun protection factor stated on the sun cream, enough cream must be applied.
  • For the face, we recommend applying a whole teaspoon or following the "three-finger rule".

Summer is finally here and the sun with it. This makes it all the more important to take care of your body. The question arises as to whether sunbathing is healthy at all.

About the person:
Dr. med. Christoph Schänzle
Bild: Pallas Kliniken

Medical Head of Aesthetics, Site Manager Olten, Head of Dermatology and Venereology at the Pallas Clinics.

blue News met dermatologist Christoph Schänzle for an interview and asked: "Too much sun is of course unhealthy - but a certain amount is good for the psyche, for the skin's immune system and for vitamin D production."

When is the sun at its strongest?

More than ever: avoid the sun around midday, as this is when it is at its strongest. "Between 11 a.m. and 3 p.m., you should avoid the sun or stay outside with very good sun protection," recommends Schänzle.

ABCD rule

The so-called ABCD rule is used for self-examination and as part of skin cancer screening by a dermatologist. This method is used in dermatology to assess pigmented skin changes, also known as birthmarks or moles. This enables a quick assessment of whether the change is harmless or whether it has abnormalities that need to be checked in the further course of the disease.

A = Asymmetry - the skin spot is not uniform, but unevenly shaped. B = Boundary - the skin spot has blurred, jagged or blurred edges. C = Coloration - the mole has different colorations, lighter and darker spots in one. D = Diameter - the spot grows and changes as it increases in size.

If such changes are observed, a visit to the dermatologist is recommended.

You can find out more helpful tips in our video.

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