Energy Researchers test new hydrogen storage method in Zurich


28.8.2024 - 10:01

Current hydrogen storage systems are inefficient and expensive. The pilot plant at ETH Zurich aims to solve this problem. (archive picture)
Current hydrogen storage systems are inefficient and expensive. The pilot plant at ETH Zurich aims to solve this problem. (archive picture)

Hydrogen is to be stored safely and cheaply in a pilot plant in Zurich. On Wednesday, researchers from ETH Zurich presented the plant on the Hönggerberg campus to the media. In future, the process should help to reduce the winter electricity shortfall.

In the pilot plant, the researchers react hydrogen with iron oxide in three reactors. According to the researchers, the resulting iron is easy to store. Hot steam converts the iron back into hydrogen and iron oxide. The hydrogen can then be converted into electricity or heat in a gas turbine or fuel cell.

Hydrogen could thus be produced in summer with surplus solar power and converted back into electricity or heat in winter. With the pilot plant in Zurich, the researchers want to demonstrate the technical feasibility of the storage technology.