Driving UFO Police officer checks extraterrestrial on the highway

Adrian Kammer


A science fiction fan in his UFO is pulled over by a police officer on the highway in the US state of Missouri. However, there is no fine. Because the two get along famously.

No time? blue News summarizes for you

  • A Vietnam veteran is driving a UFO on the highway.
  • A policeman stops the spaceship to check the pilot's papers.
  • The driver is on his way to the UFO festival in Roswell.

The sheriff of Crawford County, Missouri, will probably never forget this day. During a traffic stop, he doesn't stop a car, but a UFO. The pilot introduces himself as an alien and asserts that he is coming in peace. He greets the officer with the Vulcan salute familiar from "Star Trek".

The policeman immediately gets involved in the game and even accepts the fake ticket with the photo of an alien. The two talk for fifteen minutes and have a great time. "But you're traveling pretty slowly," says the sheriff. The humanoid alien replies glibly: "Should I set it to warp speed?"

On the way to the UFO festival

The flying or traveling saucer is based on a Geo Metro. This is an older, North American version of the Suzuki Swift. After the conversion, it looks more like the space cruiser from the cartoon series "Rick and Morty".

The pilot of the spaceship is on his way to the UFO festival in Roswell in the US state of New Mexico. A UFO is said to have crashed nearby in 1947. The "Roswell myth" inspired conspiracy theories and served as the basis for numerous science fiction novels and films.