Masses of debris sweep away villages Pictures and videos show destruction in Valais and Ticino

Sven Ziegler


The violent storms at the weekend have left their mark. Pictures show the extent of the destruction in Valais and Ticino.


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  • The violent storms at the weekend have left their mark.
  • Several people were killed and some are missing.
  • Pictures show the extent of the destruction in Valais and Ticino.

Severe storms have once again swept across Switzerland. Parts of the cantons of Valais and Ticino were hit hard on Saturday and during the night. At least four people lost their lives, three in Ticino and one in the canton of Valais.

In both cantons, a search was still underway for one missing person each. The authorities did not rule out further victims on Sunday. The Maggia Valley was hit particularly hard. A bridge near Cevio was torn away.

The bridge between Visletto and Cevio in the Maggia Valley was completely destroyed.
The bridge between Visletto and Cevio in the Maggia Valley was completely destroyed.

In Fontana in the Maggia Valley, numerous houses were buried and destroyed by the masses of debris. On Sunday morning, the bodies of two women were recovered in Val Bavona near a landslide. A third body was later found in the same area.

A destroyed house in Fontana.
A destroyed house in Fontana.

A summer colony of 40 children and 30 adults from Mogno in the upper Val Lavizzara was evacuated. The 300 people who had gathered for a football tournament in Peccia, also in Val Lavizzara, were also all brought to safety by the evening.

The police cordoned off the affected villages.
The police cordoned off the affected villages.

Severe destruction in Valais

Valais was also badly affected. In Saas-Grund, a man was found lifeless under the rubble in a hotel.

Destruction in Saas-Grund VS.
Destruction in Saas-Grund VS.

The village of Saas-Grund has "paid dearly", as have several other valleys, in particular Goms and Zermatt, said Raphaël Mayoraz, head of the Natural Hazards Office. The roads into the Saas Valley - between Saas-Balen and Saas-Grund and from Saas-Grund to Saas-Almagell - are still closed.

A buried car in Saas-Grund VS.
A buried car in Saas-Grund VS.

According to the authorities, the storms in Valais have caused between 15 and 20 million francs worth of damage to cantonal roads. The cantons of Valais and Ticino have requested the help of the army.

Cars were piled on top of each other by the masses of debris.
Cars were piled on top of each other by the masses of debris.

According to the authorities, the storms in Valais have caused between 15 and 20 million francs worth of damage to cantonal roads.

There is nothing left to see of some roads in Saas-Grund after the storms.
There is nothing left to see of some roads in Saas-Grund after the storms.