World record in death diving Norwegian woman plunges to a fabulous depth of 31 meters

Stéphanie Süess


The 25-year-old Norwegian Asbjørg Nesje has set a new world record for women in Døds Diving: In the death dive, she plunged to a depth of 31 meters.


No time? blue News summarizes for you

  • Døds Diving is a form of extreme freestyle diving in which you jump with your arms outstretched and belly first and land in a cat position.
  • Asbjørg Nesje has outdone herself again and set a new world record for women in death diving.
  • The Norwegian plunged to a depth of 31 meters.
  • The 25-year-old already held the previous record.

Fascinating pictures shared by Asbjørg Nesje on her Instagram channel: The Norwegian is a three-time world champion in the sport of Døds Diving, which also originates from the Scandinavian country.

The 25-year-old already held the previous record of 30.5 meters. She set this in January 2024 in the USA. Now she has beaten her own record and set a new world record for women in death diving. She plunged 31 meters into Abiqua Creek in the US state of Oregon.

The Norwegian was also the first person ever to attempt a death dive at this location.

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