30 centimetres long Newly discovered giant isopod is named after Darth Vader


14.1.2025 - 22:49

They are around 30 centimetres long and therefore about 20 times the size of an ordinary woodlouse: researchers have discovered a previously unknown deep-sea isopod.


No time? blue News summarizes for you

  • Researchers have discovered a previously unknown deep-sea isopod.
  • Because of its resemblance to the Star Wars villain Darth Vader, the newly discovered giant isopod species has been named after him.
  • Giant isopods have become an expensive delicacy in Vietnam in recent years.

The dark side of the ocean: because of its resemblance to the Star Wars villain Darth Vader, a newly discovered species of giant isopod has been named after him. The deep-sea isopod of the genus Bathynomus was given the species name vaderi, as reported by a research team in the specialist journal "ZooKeys". The name was inspired by the appearance of its head, which is said to resemble Darth Vader's helmet.

According to the researchers, Bathynomus vaderi is around 30 centimetres long and weighs more than one kilogram. So far, the species has only been found in Vietnamese waters near the Spratly Islands. However, researchers assume that the animals also live in other parts of the South China Sea.

Expensive delicacy

Giant isopods - which include B. vaderi - have become an expensive delicacy in Vietnam in recent years. The unusual sea creatures are caught commercially and sold at fish markets. Some people even claim that they taste better than lobster.

The fact that a species as large as B. vaderi has remained undiscovered for so long shows how little is known about the deep sea, according to the study. There is an urgent need for better research into the biodiversity of the deep sea, as humans are increasingly trying to exploit this habitat for fishing, oil and gas production and even mineral extraction. The first step in protecting the deep sea is to know what lives there.