Even fairy tales are being sold Migros collection campaign escalates - 500 francs for a finished set

Sven Ziegler


You can collect Playmobil at Migros. It's expensive.
You can collect Playmobil at Migros. It's expensive.

Migros is currently running a major Playmobil collection campaign. Some people smell the big money and sell the sets on Ricardo.

No time? blue News summarizes for you

  • Migros is currently running a major Playmobil collection campaign.
  • Some are now selling their sets on sales platforms.
  • The price for a set is 500 francs.

A collecting frenzy has broken out among regular Migros customers. The retailer is calling for a big Playmobil collecting spree. Customers currently receive a sticker for 20 francs, 20 stickers make a Playmobil set. That's a purchase of 400 francs, which is necessary for a set.

This should be a lucrative business for Migros. No detailed figures are available. However, when asked by blue News, Migros said: "As expected, our Playmobil play worlds are proving very popular with our customers." The quantity requested was based on previous collection campaigns.

If you want to secure all five sets, you will have to pay five times 400 francs, i.e. 2000 francs. In addition, there is the store, which can only be purchased for 40 francs. The promotion runs for around 40 days - as a single person or couple, you are unlikely to reach this purchase amount.

A set costs 500 francs.
A set costs 500 francs.

For some, the collecting frenzy knows no bounds. Some even try to make a profit from the Playmobil sets. On the Ricardo platform, for example, an entire set consisting of the five small collector's sets and the large Migros branch is being sold for 500 francs. As you get the stamps for free with your purchase, so to speak, this is a lucrative business for private sellers.

Even stamps are sold

A full collector's booklet, for example, can be purchased for 55 francs and is sent by B Mail. Individual stamps are also sold. One user offers 5 stickers for the price of 12 francs.

You can get 5 stamps for 12 francs at Ricardo.
You can get 5 stamps for 12 francs at Ricardo.
Screenshot Ricardo

This is not surprising for Migros. "The fact that popular and limited-edition products are offered for sale by private individuals on exchanges is not a new phenomenon and underlines the popularity of this mania." Migros does not want to take action against the offers. "Of course, users of these platforms can decide for themselves which offers they want to bid on."

Customers do not need to worry about out-of-stock items. "So far, there are still enough copies of each set," says Migros. It advises: "If the set you want is no longer available at some point, you can take another set and swap with friends or family."