TV debate in the ticker and stream Migrants? "In Springfield, they eat the dogs"

Philipp Dahm


TV duel in Philadelphia: In the first TV debate, both Kamala Harris and Donald Trump want to score points with the people ahead of the US election in November. Find out how the two fare here in the ticker and stream.

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  • Wednesday morning between 3 and 4.30 am CEST in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, the TV debate between Kamala Harris and Donald Trump will take place.
  • What are the rules? Find out everything you need to know before the TV debate here.
  • Click here for our ongoing ticker on the presidential election.
  • The big overview of the US election in November can be found here.
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  • 4.16 pm

    Topic Ukraine

    There was a short break, which is now coming to an end. Does the USA have to defend Kiev? How would Trump act? Should Kiev win? "I want the war to end. I want to save lives." The USA would have spent 50 billion. "Biden and they didn't have the courage to ask Eruopa." He had threatened the Europeans that he would not protect them. "They should be forced to follow suit."

    Selsnkyj and Putin would respect him. "I will settle this even before I am president." He would talk to both of them. "Biden had no idea how to talk to them. "We're sparring with World War III. We have a president who doesn't know he's alive."

    What would Harris do differently? "You're not running against Biden, you're running against me," she says, addressing Trump. She talks about the importance of territorial integrity. Ukraine can defend itself because of help from the USA. "If Donald Trump were president, Putin would be sitting in Kiev right now."

    The allies are glad that Trump is no longer in power, who threatens the alliance. Putin would "eat him for lunch". Trump counters that Putin has nuclear weapons. "Nobody ever thinks about it. Nobody wants to talk about it." Putin had attacked because the new government was "weak and stupid". Harris is a "terrible negotiating partner."

    She replied that Washington had to lead and think of its friends. "They support dictators," she tells Trump.

  • 4:03 p.m.

    Topic Middle East

    "Israel has the right to defend itself," says Harris, "What we know is that the war must end." She is in favor of the two-state solution that would do justice to both peoples. She will always ensure that Israel can swear allegiance.

    What would Trump do? "If I were president, this would never have started." Russia would not have attacked Ukraine either. "She hates Israel," Trump returns to the subject. The country would disappear within two years if she were elected. But she also hates the Arabs, Trump continues.

    If he were in charge, Iran would already be bankrupt. "Now they are a rich nation." There are no problems with the Houthis either, says Trump. Harris is allowed to respond and unsurprisingly states that she does not hate Israel.

    Her opponent, on the other hand, called Putin's invasion of the neighboring country "brilliant" and wrote love letters with Kim Jong-un. "That's why so many military people who have worked with them say they are a disgrace." "Putin supports them"; counters Trump because the Kremlin chief said he wants Harris to be president.

  • 3:57 p.m.

    Did Trump lose the last election?

    Statements to that effect were "sarcastic", says Trump: he got more votes than anyone else. The country needs "borders" and "good elections": the illegal migrants would all go and vote. The moderator says he didn't notice that Trump was being sarcastic. That's not important, says Trump. The country is going down the drain because of migrants.

    Harris is on: "Donald Trump was fired by 81 million people," she says. "The leaders of the world are laughing at Donald Trump," she is sure." And turning to him: "They actually lost the election." Trump replies that Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban is one of the most respected politicians in the world. And he had said that China, North Korea and Russia were afraid of him. "Victor Orban said it."

  • 3.51 pm

    On January 6

    Does Trump regret anything? The protests should have been "peaceful and patriotic". Nobody died. Trump changes the subject. "She was the border czar": "When will these people be investigated?" he asks, referring to illegal migrants.

    $Trump is in a rage. Does he regret anything now? Trump says he hasn't done anything wrong. "Others have said that." Nany Pelosi had refused his help on January 6. "I was not responsible for security. Nancy Pelosi was."

    "I was there," Harris counters. The president had incited the mob. 140 police officers were injured. In Charlottesville, Trump said there were "good people on both sides." There would be problems again if Trump did not win.

    Trump responds - and promptly lands back on migration: Biden would only have to say it and the border would be closed.

  • 3.44 p.m.

    A little direct attack

    Harris says she's not against fracking, but in favor of diversification. The USA has never produced so much oil. Trump disagrees. "Everybody's laughing at it." ^Harris keeps changing her mind. "I'm talking now," he hisses at her. "Sound familiar?" That's how Harris shut someone up once. Harris just laughs.

  • 3:40 p.m.

    Trump gets angry

    The Democrats would let criminal foreigners into the country: Crime rates are actually down in Venezuela, he says, "They're down - all over the world." The moderator corrects that crimes committed by migrants are decreasing. Trump refuses to accept this.

    Harris is on - and fires off a broadside that Trump has enough trouble with the justice system himself. "It's important that we move forward," she says. "The Americans are exhausted of the same old script."

    Trump is annoyed. He is grounding a little confused, but probably wants to say that he is wrong to have problems with the law. Harris picks up on this: Trump is protected by the Supreme Court and will be unstoppable if elected, he says. Trump responds, "I probably took a bullet because of what she said in the kipf."

  • 3:34 p.m.

    You are fired

    Harris talks about how many of Trump's former staffers distanced themselves from him. "I fired most of them," Trump explains. The Democrats did not punish mistakes - for example after the Afghanistan withdrawal, which was one of the "most incompetent" scenes. "They never fired anybody." And, "I got more votes than any sitting president ever has."

  • 3:31

    Migration issue

    There would be 1500 more border agents if the border bill that both parties negotiated had been passed. "Donald Trump picked up the phone and said, 'Kill the bill.'" She says people should attend Trump's events. "The one thing he won't talk about is them." People would leave his events early.

    "We have the biggest events," Trump intones. They wouldn't even come to theirs. "It's going to end in World War III." On the subject of migration: "In Springfield, they eat the dogs." Cats are also victims of hungry migrants. The presenter corrects that inquiries have shown that this is not true. Trump sticks to his claim. Harris has to laugh.

  • 3.25 p.m.

    Topic of abortion

    Trump again talks about "radical" Democrats wanting to have babies aborted at nine months or "executed" after birth. "I believe in the exceptions" in cases of rape, for example. Now the states could decide for themselves. "Every scholar" wanted to overturn the federal law. "Now it's the people's choice".

    Harris is not surprised, she says, by these "lies". "There are Trump abortion bans in over 20 states." This also affects victims of crime. "That is immoral." The government should not dictate to women what they do with their bodies. "If Donald Trump is elected, there will be a nationwide ban on abortion."

    "That's a lie," Trump replies. He repeats that all scholars would have wanted that. "For 52 years, the issue has been tearing the country apart." Your "boss" spends all his time on the beach, he adds. JD Vance also said he wanted to ban abortion, the presenter interjects. Trump says he has not spoken to Vance about it. "Now the people are voting on abortion."

    Harris is annoyed by the statements that babies are aborted late. She repeats how bad it is that women from certain states now have to travel far to have abortions. "Another lie," says Trump. He is the "leader" on artificial insemination and again accuses her opponent of wanting to have abortions in the ninth month.

  • 8.16 am

    Higher prices because of tariffs?

    There won't be, says Trump. The tariffs he has imposed have not been withdrawn. With regard to inflation, he says: "I've never given a worse time. People can't buy eggs. They've destroyed the economy. 90 percent say the Trump economy is good."

    Harris counters that Trump has left behind a huge trade deficit. Trump thanked Xi Jinping during the pandemic. Trump deflects: he says they no longer produce chips and have to buy them in Taiwan. "She's a Marxist," he says. "She destroyed our country."

  • 3.11 pm

    Are things better than four years ago?

    Kamala Harris wants to build an "economy of opportunity". She promises tax breaks for large families and startup founders. Her rival only wants to reduce taxes for the rich.

    Trump counters that he wants to increase tariffs. There was no high inflation under him either. Now it is "probably the highest" in the country's history, which is a disaster. There are also many illegal immigrants who are taking jobs away from Hispanics and blacks in particular. "They are taking over the cities, they are destroying our country. We need to deport them quickly."

    The moderators want to get back to the topic of the economy. Harris complains that Trump has handed over a bad economy. "Tonight we're hearing the same old script," she says. The U.S. wanted a leader who could bring people together.

    Trump counters that he had nothing to do with Project 2025. "We had the best word economy, then the pandemic hit." But the figures were better than before the pandemic. He doesn't get enough credit for that.

    "Donald Trump has no plan for you," says Harris. Experts had predicted a decline if he won. "Professors think it's a brilliant plan," he is now allowed to defend himself. "She has no plan. She has adopted Biden's plan."

  • 2:58

    On a foreword: no linguistic changes

    The media is being accused of something these days with regard to Donald Trump. It's about sanewashing.

    The press is either only including parts of Trump's statements because they sound reasonable without context, or is adding its own interpretation to his statements because they would otherwise be completely incoherent, according to the criticism.

    To avoid falling into this trap ourselves, this ticker will not finish incomplete sentences or polish expressions. So that you don't think that the Journaille can neither write a sentence correctly nor straight, these quotations are marked with an *.

    * = Yes, this is really what was said, this is not a spelling mistake.