"That was just as devastating" Three reasons why Donald Trump lost the TV debate

Marius Egger


The longer the TV debate went on, the angrier Donald Trump became: The 78-year-old lost out in the duel with Kamala Harris. These three aspects were the deciding factors.

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  • Commentators on CNN and Fox News agree that Donald Trump lost the TV duel against Kamala Harris.
  • Kamala Harris was able to present herself as the candidate and explain her policies, while Donald Trump mainly attacked her opponent.
  • Three reasons for Trump's defeat: Trump was not convincing because he expressed the same familiar points of view and made the same predictable attacks.
  • Advantage in appearance: Trump shows himself as an angry old man, while Harris rebuffs him with gestures and facial expressions.
  • The content: Harris debunks her opponent's propaganda with clear, precise statements.

Before the TV debate, interest in the debate was high: according to a survey , 70% wanted to watch - and another 30% believed that it could influence their voting decision.

Interest in Kamala Harris was significantly greater, explained analyst David Montgomery to Times Radio. No wonder: although Kamala Harris is Vice President, she is still less well known than Donald Trump.

Harris therefore has the clear goal of presenting herself as a capable candidate and outlining her political plans. Donald Trump's tactic stems from this: he wants to publicly deny his opponent's ability to lead the country.

If this matrix is anything to go by, Trump has clearly lost the duel. These are the three reasons.

The same old story

"Tonight we're hearing the same old script," says Kamala Harris, looking at her opponent right at the start of the TV debate. And no matter which side you root for, it will turn out to be the truth.

Donald Trump attacks his opponent in particular - with attacks that are familiar from him. Harris, on the other hand, tries to paint her political plans. Of course, she also goes on the offensive - for example, when she calls on people to attend Trump's campaign events. "I'll tell you: The one thing he won't talk about is them."

He doesn't do that in the TV duel either. Of course he talks about issues such as inflation, but instead of focusing on the fact that people have little money in their wallets, he mainly attacks the Democrats - and lies about the figures.

This is most evident in the closing statements: Harris talks about having "a plan", that she wants to look to the future and "be a president for all Americans". Trump, on the other hand, only talks about Harris. And claims: "We are being laughed at all over the world."

"We've heard so many of the old complaints that we thought for a long time that Trump understood that they wouldn't let us win politically," even the commentator on the conservative Fox News channel notes.

The appearance

Kamala Harris seizes the initiative before the duel begins - and Trump's hand. He cannot resist this gesture: These are the first and last friendly words between the two.

From then on, Trump's mood went into a steep decline. The 78-year-old becomes increasingly angry as the debate progresses. For example on the subject of migration or when Harris addresses his problems with the judiciary. Even when his microphone is turned off, he still talks at times. At one point, he hisses at Harris: "I'm talking now!" And follows up triumphantly: "Does that sound familiar?"

The background to his side-swipe goes back four years:

When he says he was "being sarcastic" when he conceded defeat in the election, the Democrat counters, "Donald Trump was fired by 81 million people. They actually lost the election. The leaders of the world are laughing at Donald Trump." Trump defends himself with a reference to a pat on the back from Viktor Orban, but things are fermenting inside him.

Chris Wallace gets to the heart of the matter: he never thought he would see another debate as devastating as the one against Biden, says the conservative journalist on CNN. "That was just as devastating." Trump seemed angry, focused on the moderators and argued with them. "Donald Trump looked old today," said Wallace.

Harris, on the other hand, looked into the audience. She smiled and used facial expressions and gestures - "with style". She presented herself as a "candidate of change", Wallace believes. In view of the fact that she is part of the system as Vice President, this impression is a great success.

The content

It is astonishing that Donald Trump cannot land any hits. Not even when it comes to the topic of migration - the supposed Achilles heel of his opponent. Harris is allowed to speak on the topic first and points out that Trump has overturned a broadly supported law that had been negotiated on the matter. She then talks about the size of the crowd at Trump's appearances.

And Trump is already distracted: his answer - for once - no longer refers to immigrants. "We have the biggest events," he intones, before warning of "World War III", only to return to the topic at hand, stiffening in the statement: "In Springfield, they eat the dogs."

On the subject of the Middle East, Trump also misses the chance to take a swipe at his opponent. He ends up back with himself: if he were in charge, Iran would be broke. In the end, it is she who hits him on the back of the neck, referring to love letters from Kim Jong-un and his bromance with Vladimir Putin: "That's why so many military people who have worked with you say you're a disgrace."

Harris also dismantles Trump on the economy. Harris nails Trump's excuses when it comes to abortion and Trump pretends he did the states a favor by overturning the nationwide right to it. Harris says, "I was there," when her opponent tries to downplay the storming of the Capitol.

Harris just grins when Trump promises that he will end the Ukraine war as president-elect. And Harris waves it off when Trump sounds like he will put together better health insurance that will cost less. And Harris points out to the Republican that he is running against her when he mentions Joe Biden again.

Kamala Harris has made a name for herself through this TV debate. And Donald Trump was no longer even provocative, but rather bored. Nothing worse could have happened to him.