After the TV duel Poll reveals narrow winner - one of them scores particularly well with men


10.2.2025 - 07:40

Olaf Scholz has narrowly won the TV duel against Friedrich Merz. This is shown by surveys conducted after the duel. Merz scored particularly well with men.


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  • Olaf Scholz has narrowly won the TV duel against Friedrich Merz.
  • The survey is not representative of all eligible voters in Germany, but only of the viewers of the duel.
  • According to the survey, Scholz also came across as more credible (42%) and likeable (46%) to viewers

According to election researchers, Chancellor Olaf Scholz (SPD) narrowly won the TV duel with CDU candidate Friedrich Merz (CDU). In the survey conducted by Forschungsgruppe Wahlen, 37 percent of eligible voters said that Scholz had done better than Merz, according to ZDF. 34 percent saw the CDU leader ahead - 29 percent saw no difference. The survey is not representative for all eligible voters in Germany, but only for viewers of the duel.

According to the survey, Scholz also came across as more credible (42%) and likeable (46%) to viewers. Merz was only able to convince 31% and 27% of respondents respectively in the categories of credibility and likeability. From the viewers' perspective, the two opponents did not differ in terms of expertise, with each receiving 36% of the vote. 27 percent of respondents could not see any difference here.

Scholz is better received by women and younger people

While Scholz was better received by women and won over 43 percent of female viewers (Merz: 29 percent), CDU leader Merz was more likely to win over men with 40 percent (Scholz: 30 percent). Among the younger respondents, Scholz was again clearly ahead: 47% of 18 to 34-year-olds voted for Scholz and only 25% for Merz.

By contrast, Merz had a wafer-thin lead among 35 to 59-year-olds, who voted for Scholz with 35% and for Merz with 36%. According to the survey, the picture was similar among the over-60s: 34% saw the Chancellor ahead, 36% Merz.

For the survey, Forschungsgruppe Wahlen interviewed 1,374 randomly selected eligible viewers of the TV duel online and by telephone.