Israel Netanyahu insists on the right to continue the Gaza war


8.7.2024 - 05:06

Demonstrators demand the release of hostages held by Hamas in the Gaza Strip. Photo: Ilia Yefimovi/dpa
Demonstrators demand the release of hostages held by Hamas in the Gaza Strip. Photo: Ilia Yefimovi/dpa

Shortly before the resumption of indirect negotiations on a hostage agreement in the Gaza war, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu is demanding the right to continue fighting against Hamas - and promptly causing anger. "Any agreement will allow Israel to resume fighting until all war aims have been achieved," reads a list of conditions published by the Prime Minister's Office. Critics accuse Netanyahu of trying to sabotage a deal.

Accusations against Netanyahu

The indirect negotiations on a ceasefire and an exchange of hostages for Palestinian prisoners are to continue this week in Cairo. Egypt, Qatar and the USA are mediating between the two sides. A step-by-step plan is on the table. The mediators are currently working on formulations to bridge the existing gap on disputed points. The "Times of Israel" quoted an unnamed senior representative of the mediators as saying that Netanyahu's statements were damaging these efforts.

Israeli opposition leader Jair Lapid also criticized Netanyahu for listing the conditions for an agreement: "We are at a critical moment in the negotiations, the lives of the abductees depend on it, so why such provocative messages? What does this contribute to the process?" wrote Lapid on Platform X. At the end of nationwide protests and street blockades on "Disruption Day", thousands in Tel Aviv and Jerusalem accused Netanyahu of obstructing the negotiation process.

Desperate appeal from a mother

"For nine months you have abandoned the hostages. Netanyahu - stop dragging it out. We want them home, and it's up to you to bring them home," shouted the mother of one of the hostages held by the Islamist Hamas at an evening protest in the city of Tel Aviv. To draw attention to the fate of her son and the other 120 or so hostages still being held in the Gaza Strip, the woman climbed into a black cage hanging under a road bridge.

"There is a deal on the table that can save lives, and all of us," the "Times of Israel" quoted the desperate mother as saying. Addressing the head of government, she called out: "I want to say to Netanyahu: the keys to this cage and all the other cages are in your hands". More and more citizens in Israel are losing patience and joining the weekly protests. Retired army general Noam Tibon recently said at one of the rallies in Tel Aviv: "Netanyahu is cynically sabotaging any deal, even though he knows that the hostages in the Gaza tunnels are being tortured and murdered."

Netanyahu governs with ultra-religious and far-right coalition partners who refuse to make concessions to Hamas. Netanyahu, who has long been the subject of a corruption trial, is dependent on these partners for his political survival. During the renewed demonstrations, thousands of people called for immediate new elections. The latest protests were fueled by reports that progress is being made in the negotiations mediated by Qatar, Egypt and the USA after a long standstill.

Negotiations continue

Egypt will hold intensive consultations with all sides in the coming days, reported the state-affiliated television station Al-Kahira, citing senior Egyptian government officials. According to reports, the Islamist Hamas is now showing flexibility and has deviated from its core demand that Israel must commit to ending the war in advance.

Israel wants to keep the option of continuing the war open in order to crush Hamas as a military formation and governing power in the Gaza Strip. The Prime Minister's Office listed as further conditions for an agreement that Israel would "maximize" the number of live hostages that would have to be released by Hamas as part of a deal. It would also not allow armed fighters to return to northern Gaza. Weapons smuggling from Egypt will be prevented.

Concern about the situation in northern Israel

Meanwhile, Israeli Defense Minister Joav Galant also spoke out in favor of an agreement in the Gaza war, but at the same time emphasized the defensive fight against the Hamas-allied Hezbollah militia in Lebanon during a troop visit to northern Israel. Even if a hostage agreement is reached with Hamas, "and I very much hope that we succeed", this will not change the situation in northern Israel for the time being, said Galant.

"Even if there is a ceasefire there (in the south), we will continue to fight here (in the north) and do everything necessary to achieve the desired result," he said. Israel wants to use military and political pressure to ensure that Hezbollah withdraws behind the Litani River, 30 kilometers from the border - as stipulated by a UN resolution. Since the beginning of the Gaza war, the Iranian-backed militia has been shelling northern Israel - in its own words, out of "solidarity" with Hamas in Gaza.

Deaths on both sides

In return, Israel is fighting Hezbollah positions in the south of Lebanon with air and artillery attacks, as well as targets deep inside Lebanon. There have already been casualties on both sides. The intensity of the daily fighting has recently increased significantly. There are concerns that the fighting could escalate into a regional conflict.

On October 7, terrorists from Hamas and other groups attacked Israel and killed 1,200 people. In addition, around 250 other people were taken hostage in the Gaza Strip. The unprecedented massacre triggered the Gaza war. According to Israeli reports, around 120 hostages are still being held in the sealed-off coastal area. However, it is uncertain how many of them are still alive.