Tough rules now apply Italian vacation paradise declares a state of emergency

Sven Ziegler


It hasn't rained in Sardinia for weeks.
It hasn't rained in Sardinia for weeks.

A state of emergency is to be declared in Sardinia on Tuesday afternoon. The reasons are persistent droughts and a lack of drinking water.

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  • A state of disaster is to be declared in Sardinia on Tuesday afternoon.
  • The reason is the catastrophic drought.
  • It hasn't rained on the island for weeks.

Sardinia is to declare a state of disaster on Tuesday afternoon. This was announced by the regional government. The decision is to be made at 2.30 pm. The reason is the ongoing drought and massive water shortage.

Alessandra Todde, President of the local government, spoke of a "situation that must be dealt with on all fronts." "Extraordinary resources" are now to be made available.

It has not rained in Sardinia for weeks. And the temperatures continue to rise. The authorities are expecting temperatures of over 40 degrees in the coming days.

Taps remain closed

According to the newspaper "L'Unione Sarda", it was already clear in May that there could be problems with the water supply this summer. Initial measures were therefore taken several weeks ago.

In several places, for example in Lanusei, the taps must remain closed at certain times. The regional government announced corresponding controls. Failure to comply could result in heavy fines of several hundred euros.

Popular tourist regions in Sardinia are also affected by the drought. For example, drinking water in the well-known city of Olbia has to be transported by truck. The mayor of the city has already announced his intention to discuss massive restrictions on consumption in the coming days.

"The water resources from the springs are currently not sufficient to guarantee a regular water supply over a 24-hour period", according to a statement from the city of Olbia.