Israel Houthi drone strikes Tel Aviv - one dead and injured


19.7.2024 - 10:17

An Israeli policewoman searches the site of the explosion. A loud explosion near a branch of the US embassy in Tel Aviv. Photo: Ilia Yefimovich/dpa
An Israeli policewoman searches the site of the explosion. A loud explosion near a branch of the US embassy in Tel Aviv. Photo: Ilia Yefimovich/dpa

One man was killed when a combat drone hit the center of Tel Aviv. At least eight other people were injured when the unmanned aerial vehicle loaded with explosives crashed into a residential building near a branch of the US embassy, the Magen David Adom rescue service announced on the online platform X. According to the army, the long-range drone came from Yemen.

The location of the explosion could hardly have been more central, it is the historic center of the metropolis on the Mediterranean. The sandy beaches are world-famous and a focal point of city life. There are many international hotels on the beach promenade, which have also housed people from northern Israel who had to be evacuated due to rocket fire from the Hezbollah militia in Lebanon since the start of the war.

There are many shops, restaurants and street cafés in the adjoining densely built-up streets. The US embassy was also located near the impact site until it was moved to Jerusalem in 2018 under then US President Donald Trump.

Israel's Defense Minister Joav Galant announced retaliation for the attack. "The Ministry of Defense is working to immediately strengthen all defense systems and will settle accounts with anyone who harms the State of Israel or carries out terror against it," Galant warned in a statement released by his office.

According to the Israeli army, it was a long-range drone that flew in from the sea and hit the apartment building. A video circulated on the internet showing a drone flying over the beach towards the high-rise buildings in Tel Aviv. Shortly afterwards, a bright flash of light and the sound of an explosion can be heard. The drone was detected by air surveillance, but was not shot down due to human error, reported the Times of Israel newspaper.

A military spokeswoman confirmed on request that there had been no air alarm. "This should not have happened," the newspaper quoted an army spokesperson as saying. Tel Aviv has so far been largely spared drone attacks.

The Houthi militia in Yemen announced that it had attacked an "important target" in Tel Aviv with a drone. The militia, which is allied with Iran, described this as retaliation for Israeli military actions in the Gaza Strip. A spokesman said on television that the attack was carried out with a new drone called "Yafa" (Jaffa). This was capable of evading Israeli defenses. The militia had prepared a list of other targets in Israel.