Politics Amnesty: Dozens of opposition members arrested in Tunisia


17.9.2024 - 14:24

ARCHIVE - Tunisians demonstrate on Avenue Habib Bourguiba in the capital Tunis against President Kais Saied in the run-up to the presidential elections. Photo: Anis Mili/AP/dpa
ARCHIVE - Tunisians demonstrate on Avenue Habib Bourguiba in the capital Tunis against President Kais Saied in the run-up to the presidential elections. Photo: Anis Mili/AP/dpa

According to human rights activists, the Tunisian authorities have arrested dozens of opposition members. They are 97 members of the moderate Islamist Ennahda party, according to the human rights organization Amnesty International.

They are being investigated for "conspiracy", it said. The arrests were made last Thursday and Friday.

The Tunisian authorities carried out a "clear attack on the pillars of human rights and the rule of law" before the presidential election, criticized Secretary General Agnès Callamard. It was a "blatant step backwards in terms of human rights". Amnesty International called on the Tunisian authorities to immediately release all those "who have been detained solely for the peaceful exercise of their human rights".

The election in the Mediterranean country is due to take place on October 6. More than a dozen potential candidates for the highest office were sentenced in advance, some of them to prison. Others were banned from running for public office. Ennahda party leader Rached Ghannouchi is also already in prison. In addition to incumbent Kais Saied, only two other candidates are allowed to stand for election, one of whom has also been arrested.

Saied took office in 2019 and has gradually expanded his power since 2021, including through the dissolution of parliament and a controversial new constitution. Observers increasingly doubt that the election can be held freely and fairly. Critics accuse Saied of leading the country into an autocracy.