Mysterious Humor as a tool for stress relief in the workplace


24.10.2024 - 17:04

Humor in the workplace can reduce stress. (symbolic image)
Humor in the workplace can reduce stress. (symbolic image)

Humor can be used by managers as a management tool to improve working relationships and reduce stress. This was shown in a study by the University of Lucerne. Employees should also be strengthened in their humorous behavior.


With a little fun, the mood in the team brightens and motivation increases, author Marina Pletscher was quoted as saying in a press release on Thursday. Humor must be used appropriately so that people laugh together.

Similarities in humor styles would help to positively influence the quality of relationships between superiors and employees. This applies to social and appreciative humor styles. In the case of aggressive and derogatory humor towards other people, the effect goes in the opposite direction and worsens the relationship. Humor styles are not personality traits, but behavioral patterns.

Work-related stress can lead to mental and physical complaints, which in turn can have a negative impact on the economic success of companies in the form of more frequent errors, absences or intentions to change jobs, the university wrote.