PoachingGraubünden gamekeeper accidentally shoots three lynxes instead of a wolf
26.11.2024 - 08:42
A gamekeeper in Graubünden has accidentally shot three lynx while hunting wolves. The animals in question were two cubs and one adult male lynx. The gamekeeper then turned himself in.
26.11.2024, 08:42
The gamekeeper was firmly convinced that he was shooting three young wolves that had been released for shooting, wrote the Grisons Office for Hunting and Fishing (AJF) in a statement on Tuesday. The incident took place at night in the Surselva region of Graubünden. The animals were tracked down using thermal imaging technology.
Following the gamekeeper's self-reporting, a criminal investigation was initiated, the AJF added. The incident is extremely regrettable and will be investigated in detail. The gamekeeper concerned has been banned from hunting wolves for the time being.