Federal government gives the all-clearFire in Bülach ZH exposes population to heavy smoke
Stefan Michel
A fire with heavy smoke is endangering the population of Bülach and the surrounding area. The federal warning app advises people to close their windows and avoid the affected area.
10.01.2025, 14:36
10.01.2025, 15:24
Stefan Michel
No time? blue News summarizes for you
The federal government warns of a fire with heavy smoke development in Bülach ZH.
The affected area should be avoided and windows closed, recommends Alertswiss, the federal government's warning app.
The burning building is located on Hertiweg in Bülach ZH. Due to the heavy smoke development, Kapo Zurich recommends closing windows and doors and switching off ventilation and air conditioning systems.
Swissalert has since given the all-clear.
Warnung: Brand in Bülach, Umgebung Hertiweg. Starke Rauchentwicklung. Türen und Fenster schliessen, Lüftungen und Klimaanlagen abschalten. Update folgt. pic.twitter.com/inOQtkDKmK