Heat, fires, floods Extreme weather from the USA to Asia and Europe

Philipp Dahm


In Saudi Arabia and India, hundreds succumb to the heat, in China people die in floods - and the USA struggles with heat, frost and tornadoes: Climate change is clearly evident in the northern hemisphere.


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  • The weather in the northern hemisphere is going crazy: from North America to Europe and Asia, there is heat, flooding and deaths.
  • Weather chaos in the USA: heatwaves, frost, tornadoes and forest fires are keeping the country on tenterhooks.
  • In Europe, people between Hungary and Greece as well as Turkey are suffering from very high temperatures.
  • In Saudi Arabia and India, the heat has killed hundreds.
  • China is struggling with heat, but also with record flooding.

It is not unusual for the USA to disappear under a heat dome. But the fact that the heat dome phenomenon is already hitting in June and not in July or August as usual is not a good sign.

"It feels like the moisture is literally being sucked out of you," complains Luke Mraz from Great Falls, Virginia, to USA Today.

The heat is still mainly affecting the north-east, but will spread to the south and south-east, the authorities warn. The high temperatures will continue to rise and locally exceed 43 degrees. So far, at least 125 people have died as a result of the current heatwave.

USA: heatwave, fires, frost, tornadoes

At the same time as the early heat, forest fires are also starting earlier than usual: more than 36,000 hectares are already burning in California.

The situation is curious in the state of New Mexico, which was also plagued by forest fires until cloudbursts and hail brought relief to the fire department on June 20.

A fire department bulldozer cuts a firebreak in Gorman, California, on June 15.
A fire department bulldozer cuts a firebreak in Gorman, California, on June 15.

The "devastating" fires had destroyed 1400 buildings in the village of Ruidoso. Two people died as a result. However, because the rainfall is now so heavy and the ground cannot absorb the moisture, there is a risk of flooding: "Because of the whole fire scar, there is nothing to stop the water," complains Mayor Lynn Crawford to radio station KWMW.

As if the heat cap wasn't enough, areas near the Rocky Mountains are experiencing unusually low temperatures: according to "Newsweek", the authorities in Nevada had to warn earlier this week that the mercury would drop below freezing at night. The weather chaos in the USA is rounded off by an increasing risk of tornadoes.

Europe: Heat band from Hungary to the Mediterranean

In Europe, Greece has been hit hardest by the heat so far: the mercury has been rising to well over 30 degrees for weeks now. Today, temperatures are expected to reach 38 degrees: it is suspected that the temperatures are also the reason for the disappearance of several tourists, five of whom have been found dead so far.

Neighboring Turkey is also groaning under the heat: the vacation resort of Antalya is also expected to reach 38 degrees on Sunday. In Belgrade in Serbia, this mark will already be broken on Saturday. In Hungary, it will be up to 36 degrees today before thunderstorms cool the country down tomorrow.

Asia: Hundreds dead in Saudi Arabia and India

The pilgrimage began in Mecca on the evening of June 14 in blistering heat. It ended on June 18, but some pilgrims continued to perform their rituals the following day. The temperature in Mecca and other holy sites in the surrounding area was around 50 degrees Celsius at the time.

Authorities called on believers to carry umbrellas, avoid being outside at particularly hot midday and drink plenty of water. As the Hajj draws to a close, the terrible extent of the deaths caused by extreme heat in Mecca is becoming increasingly clear. It is now estimated that more than 550 pilgrims have died due to the extreme weather.

India, too, is struggling with temperatures that are scratching the 50-degree mark: They have killed at least 192 homeless people between June 11 and 19, reports the NGO Center for Holistic Development.

Too hot: Workers sleep outdoors in Lucknow, India, on June 16.
Too hot: Workers sleep outdoors in Lucknow, India, on June 16.

The heatwave continues: Maximum temperatures of 45 degrees are expected in Saudi Arabia today, 38 degrees in India, 36 degrees in Vietnam and 37 degrees on China's east coast.

Record floods kill 38 people in southern China

A record flood has so far claimed the lives of 38 people in the southern Chinese province of Guangdong. The state television station CCTV reported that at least six people are still missing. The authorities warned of further flooding in other parts of the country today.

The heaviest rains fell from June 16 to 18, uprooting trees and causing houses to collapse. A road leading to the Meixian district was completely destroyed during the heavy rainfall. According to CCTV, the Songyuan River, which meanders through Meizhou, experienced the worst flooding ever recorded there.

The direct economic damage was estimated at 3.65 billion yuan (448 million Swiss francs) in Jiaoling County and 1.06 billion yuan (130 million Swiss francs) in Meixian County. Torrential rain and extreme weather conditions are also expected in other parts of the country over the weekend.

The National Meteorological Center issued a warning for several provinces in the south and some places in the north. According to the forecast, the provinces of Henan and Anhui in central China as well as the coastal province of Jiangsu and the province of Guizhou in the south should be prepared for hail and heavy thunderstorms.

Last week, landslides and flooding occurred in the provinces of Fujian and Guangxi in southern China due to heavy rainfall. In Guangxi, a student was killed after falling into a river swollen by the rain.

With agency material.