Many people are familiar with the hard-to-define but often noticed "old people smell". But what is behind this phenomenon?
Scientists have looked into the question and discovered that it is a combination of biochemical and physiological changes that occur with age, as "T-Online" writes.
A scent that starts with the skin
The skin changes with age: it loses moisture and the composition of the oils secreted by the sebaceous glands changes. A key factor here is the concentration of 2-nonenal, a molecule that is formed when unsaturated fatty acids are broken down. This molecule gives the skin a slightly grassy, greasy odor that is characteristic of older people.
Why 2-nonenal occurs more frequently in old age has not yet been fully clarified scientifically. What is certain, however, is that other factors such as altered hormone levels and reduced activity of the sweat glands also contribute to body odor.
Why older people often don't notice their odor
An interesting aspect: with age, not only the moisture and elasticity of the skin but also the sense of smell decreases. Many senior citizens are therefore not aware of their changed body odor. In addition, the odor can not only settle on the skin, but also in clothing and textiles, which intensifies the scent.
The typical smell of old people can be intensified by external factors. Medication, alcohol, nicotine or a lack of hygiene all play a role. Obesity or certain illnesses can also change the composition of the skin oils and thus the body odor.
What helps to reduce odor?
Dermatologists recommend above all careful skin care to reduce body odor. Regular application of cream keeps the skin fresh and supple. Clothes should also be changed and washed more frequently, as odor molecules become trapped in textiles.
In a 2012 study, researchers found that people can clearly distinguish the body odor of older people from that of younger people. Interestingly, however, the test subjects did not rate the odor of people over 75 as more unpleasant, but often even as less intense compared to that of younger people. The smell of old people therefore has less to do with a negative perception than with its typical characteristics.