Federal votes Decision on pension fund reform - bill on the brink


22.9.2024 - 04:31

The last ballot papers are being filled in: Today, Sunday, voters in Switzerland will decide on the pension fund reform and the biodiversity initiative. (theme picture)
The last ballot papers are being filled in: Today, Sunday, voters in Switzerland will decide on the pension fund reform and the biodiversity initiative. (theme picture)

This Sunday, Swiss voters will decide on two federal proposals, the pension fund reform and the biodiversity initiative. The initial situation is exciting. Both proposals are on the brink.

According to the latest polls commissioned by SRG and Tamedia/"20 Minuten", a majority of participants reject the BVG reform. The SRG survey showed a 51% "no" vote and Tamedia/"20 Minuten" 59%. There were also no majorities for the biodiversity initiative.

The BVG reform is intended to financially stabilize the second pillar of old-age provision in light of the growing number of pensioners, rising life expectancy and falling returns. The minimum conversion rate for calculating pensions in the mandatory part of the insurance is to be reduced.

People with low incomes should be better protected in old age, but they and their employers should also pay more into the second pillar. Those who retire in the first 15 years after the bill comes into force and have little time for additional savings are to receive a pension supplement of up to CHF 200 per month. The decisive factors are year of birth and capital saved.

The second federal proposal is the biodiversity initiative - it not only has to achieve a popular majority, but the majority of the cantons must also agree. The initiative demands more money and more land for the promotion of biodiversity. It does not specify any figures.

The initiative also calls for the protection of nature, diverse landscapes and beautiful sites outside protected areas. The Federal Council had wanted to take up the initiative's concerns and implement them with legislative amendments, but failed in parliament.