They were coming from Switzerland Couple caught with 600,000 francs of smuggled treasure

Andreas Fischer


Customs at Munich Airport have seized very, very expensive pieces of jewelry that were not declared. (symbolic picture)
Customs at Munich Airport have seized very, very expensive pieces of jewelry that were not declared. (symbolic picture)
Bild: Hendrik Schmidt/dpa

A Romanian couple who had just arrived from Switzerland appeared suspicious to customs officers at Munich Airport. During the check, they found jewelry worth over 600,000 francs. It's now going to be expensive for the couple.

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  • A Romanian couple wanted to smuggle luxury jewelry past customs at Munich Airport. However, the attentive officers noticed an exclusive wristwatch on the man's wrist.
  • A search of the luggage revealed a necklace worth half a million euros (approx. 471,000 Swiss francs).
  • The couple must now pay 130,000 euros (approx. 123,000 Swiss francs) in import duty and expect a hefty fine.

They were on a plane from Switzerland and wanted to walk through customs nonchalantly: But the German officials had an unerring instinct and checked the Romanian couple. They made a find: In their luggage they found an exquisite white gold necklace with 614 diamonds, eleven onyxes and two emeralds, as reported by"Bild". Value: around 500,000 euros (approx. 471,000 Swiss francs).

The customs investigators first became aware of the couple through an exclusive wristwatch that the man was wearing. According to "Bild", it was a custom-made watch from Patek Philippe. It is not quite as expensive as the necklace, but is still worth 150,000 euros (140,000 Swiss francs).

The smuggling couple's penchant for bling-bling is now costing them dearly: the jewelry has been confiscated by the authorities. In order to redeem it, 130,000 euros (123,000 francs) in import duty is due - minus, of course, the permitted allowance of 430 euros (405 francs) per person.

In addition, criminal tax proceedings have been initiated: The fine due is based on income and could cost the apparently well-heeled offenders a further six-figure sum. In the worst case, they could even face a prison sentence.

A Romanian couple tried to smuggle jewels worth 650,000 euros past customs at Munich Airport.
A Romanian couple tried to smuggle jewels worth 650,000 euros past customs at Munich Airport.
Zoll München