Federal finances Confederation can save around CHF 5 billion by 2030 according to experts


5.9.2024 - 13:30

The Confederation must make savings. A group of experts has now submitted various proposals to the Federal Council. (theme picture)
The Confederation must make savings. A group of experts has now submitted various proposals to the Federal Council. (theme picture)

Waiving federal funding for daycare centers, eliminating "trivial subsidies", cutting non-urgent expenditure: A group of experts is proposing these and numerous other measures to the Federal Council in order to bring the federal budget back into balance.


The group of experts set up in spring identified potential savings of up to CHF 5 billion in the federal budget by 2030. The corresponding report was published on Thursday. The day before, the Federal Council accepted its final demands and held an initial discussion.

The group of experts presents concrete measures in all areas of responsibility and points out areas in need of reform. It also proposes cuts of CHF 0.2 to 0.3 billion in the federal administration's own areas.

All areas scrutinized

According to the report, around CHF 1.7 billion could be saved in 2027 and around CHF 2 billion in 2030 with measures in migration policy, climate and energy policy and transport infrastructure. Current subsidies - such as the promotion of freight transport - should be questioned or fund contributions reduced.

The committee also sees potential savings of CHF 1.3 billion (2027) and CHF 1.5 billion (2030) where the federal government has become active in the cantons' areas of responsibility - for example in childcare. Further savings of CHF 0.2 to 0.4 billion could be achieved by curbing the growth in social welfare expenditure.

Reducing and eliminating smaller subsidies could also reduce expenditure by CHF 0.1 billion, according to the expert group. An additional CHF 0.3 to 0.6 billion could be saved by reprioritizing expenditure.

Political debate begins

According to the Federal Council, the first budget relief measures should be implemented from 2026 and 2027 onwards on the basis of the expert group's proposals. From today's perspective, the Federal Council considers a relief volume of CHF 3 to 3.5 billion to be necessary from 2027. From 2030, the necessary relief volume will increase to CHF 4 to 4.5 billion per year.

Round tables with the cantons, political parties and social partners will be convened in the coming days. The next steps are to be determined as early as the end of September. The Federal Council is expected to conduct an ordinary consultation on the defined measures in January. Parliament will then make the final decision.