Statue with an empty handCrosier stolen from Swiss St. Nicholas in Fribourg
9.12.2024 - 18:27
The more than 250-year-old St. Nicholas is enthroned high above the entrance to a Swiss cathedral with an empty hand. Who stole his crozier?
09.12.2024, 18:27
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The crosier of St. Nicholas, patron saint of the Swiss city of Fribourg, has been stolen.
This was noticed by participants in the traditional St. Nicholas procession on Saturday.
However, the staff has been missing for two years, as the canton's Directorate of Education and Cultural Affairs has now admitted in response to an inquiry.
The crosier of St. Nicholas, patron saint of the Swiss city of Fribourg, has been stolen. The wooden statue, which has been enthroned above the main entrance to the cathedral since 1767, stands there with his right hand empty. This was noticed by participants in the traditional St. Nicholas procession on Saturday, but the crozier has been missing for two years, as the canton's Directorate of Education and Cultural Affairs now admits when asked.
In 2022, several items were stolen in the city and then reappeared. It was therefore decided to wait and see and not make a big fuss about the loss. If the staff does not reappear, Saint Nicholas of Myra will be given a new one at the next cleaning, probably in spring or summer 2025. It is unclear how the thieves could have obtained the staff. The statue is not accessible without a ladder.