Robbery in Wattenwil BE ATM blast leaves two injured


3.7.2024 - 20:02

An ATM was blown up in Wattenwil in the canton of Bern on Wednesday night.
An ATM was blown up in Wattenwil in the canton of Bern on Wednesday night.
Keystone (Symbolbild)

Unknown persons blew up an ATM in Wattenwil BE in the Gürbetal valley. Two people had to receive medical treatment from an ambulance team as a result of the explosion.

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  • An ATM was blown up in Wattenwil BE on Wednesday night.
  • Two people required medical treatment as a result of the explosion.
  • Two men in dark clothing fled in an unknown direction on e-scooters.

In Wattenwil BE in the Gürbetal valley, unknown persons blew up an ATM on Wednesday night. Two people required medical treatment as a result of the explosion.

According to current information, the perpetrators are believed to be two men in dark clothing who fled in an unknown direction on e-scooters. The cantonal police have launched an investigation in collaboration with the federal police, according to the press release.

An ATM was blown up in Jegenstorf, Bern, in mid-June. On the same night, unknown persons blew up an ATM in Küssnacht am Rigi in the canton of Schwyz. In both cases, considerable damage was caused to the building and the perpetrators were able to flee.

Reduce the number of ATMs

So far this year, there have been 23 attacks on ATMs across the country, as reported by the Federal Police (Fedpol) at the request of the Keystone-SDA news agency. In the previous year, there were 32.

In recent months, ATMs have been attacked with explosives mainly in areas close to the border. The cantonal banks of Neuchâtel and Jura then declared that they would reduce the number of ATMs due to the increasing number of attacks.