Scientific sensation Ants become surgeons and amputate

Stéphanie Süess


If an ant is injured, its fellow ants take care of the injured animal. If it is a thigh injury, the limb is amputated.

No time? blue News summarizes for you

  • Animals as surgeons are a scientific sensation.
  • Researchers at the University of Würzburg observed ants amputating the thigh of their conspecifics.
  • However, if the injury is to the lower leg, only the wound is cleaned.

Animals that suddenly become surgeons. Sounds harsh? But it's true. Researchers at the University of Würzburg have observed ants amputating the thighs of their fellow ants.

Ants only amputate if the injury is to the thigh. However, if the injury is on the lower leg, the wound is cleaned. According to scientists, this behavior is only known in humans. However, experiments show that 90 percent of animals survive the amputation. The reason for this is that a quick amputation is the best way to save the ant's life - infections cannot spread any further.

The research team made this sensational observation in the Florida wood ant. According to, scientists now also want to investigate how our native species react to injuries.

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