Study shows low penetration but high potential "AI in the Swiss tech industry" - hype meets reality


4.7.2024 - 13:37

Artificial intelligence is not yet widespread in the Swiss tech industry. As a survey of 200 companies shows, the use of AI in the industry has barely gone beyond initial pilot tests.

The picture shows the contrast between advanced AI and its complex implementation, a key issue for the Swiss tech industry in its quest for tangible progress.
The picture shows the contrast between advanced AI and its complex implementation, a key issue for the Swiss tech industry in its quest for tangible progress.
Dall-E @blue News

4.7.2024 - 13:37

No time? blue News summarizes for you

  • In collaboration with Swissmem and Next Industries, ETH Zurich conducted a survey on the use of AI in the Swiss technology industry, in which over 200 companies participated.
  • Despite the current hype surrounding AI, the results are sobering, but the authors of the study believe that Swiss industry remains internationally competitive.
  • 16 percent of companies plan to use AI on a large scale in the future.

This means that reality is lagging behind the hype surrounding AI, the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology in Zurich (ETH Zurich) wrote in a press release.

In the ETH Zurich survey, half of the companies responded that they had not yet considered using AI for production-related applications. A further fifth did not find the use of AI convincing enough to pursue the idea further. Ten percent are currently conducting pilot tests, with a further 12 percent planning to do so. According to the survey, only a few companies are using AI on a larger scale.

Use of AI in production.
Use of AI in production.
(Illustration: ETH Zürich)

However, companies say they have more ambitious plans for the future: 16% of the companies surveyed want to use AI on a large scale in the future.

Previous studies with different results

According to ETH Zurich, the results of the survey stand in contrast to other studies. These had suggested a much greater implementation of AI in the technology sector. The researchers justify this in the press release by stating that there may have been distortions in previous studies, as these were often written by providers of AI solutions.

ETH Zurich conducted the survey on the use of AI in collaboration with the industry umbrella organization Swissmem and Next Industries.