Children allowed to deal 92-year-old woman kicked out of council flat for drug dealing


25.10.2024 - 20:57

A 92-year-old woman from Montpellier has had to leave her council apartment because her children were running a lively drug trade there.
A 92-year-old woman from Montpellier has had to leave her council apartment because her children were running a lively drug trade there.
Symbolbild: PantherMedia / Sergiy Tryapitsyn

Drug dealing is rampant in many French high-rise housing estates. Now a 92-year-old woman has been kicked out of her council apartment, which was used as a distribution point. And this is not an isolated case.

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  • In Montpellier in the south of France, a 92-year-old woman has been kicked out of her council apartment.
  • The woman's apartment was used by her children to deal and store drugs.
  • Around a dozen tenants have already been evicted from housing association apartments in connection with drug dealing since the end of 2022.

In Montpellier in the south of France, a 92-year-old woman was evicted from her council apartment because it was being used as a drug distribution point. The prefecture announced that the eviction of the woman from her apartment, which she had lived in for 23 years, sent a clear and unmistakable message. Turning one's home into a storage place for drugs and a meeting place for dealers means participating in and contributing to the continuation of the drug trade.

As the newspaper "Le Figaro" reported, the woman's children had used her apartment for drug dealing. One of the woman's daughters had already been thrown out of the neighboring apartment after a turbulent police operation. In the case of the 92-year-old woman, relatives had tried to prevent the court-sanctioned eviction by spilling petrol in the stairwell.

Drug trafficking terrorizes entire districts

"Drug trafficking pervades our districts, leads to turf wars and terrorizes residents," said the prefecture. There should be no tolerance for people who profit from this business and facilitate its spread. The victim, who refused a place in a retirement home, is being cared for by her family.

The housing association ACM Habitat announced that several neighbors had already moved out because of the goings-on in the old woman's apartment, as reported by "Le Figaro". In order to combat nuisance caused by drug dealing in the social housing block, 17 garages, two apartments and the entire basement have already been closed off. Around a dozen tenants have already been evicted from ACM Habitat apartments in connection with drug dealing since the end of 2022.

The action in Montpellier is not an isolated case. In other cities, too, people are evicted from their apartments if they are proven to be involved in drug dealing in order to combat drug trafficking in apartment blocks. Even if young people are caught dealing, this can mean that the whole family has to move out.
